ix. zihan

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"I...'m sorry, I forgot I left something behind."

Y/N said out of nowhere, confusing me. She looked frantic, and dreadful as if she saw a ghost. Her hands held together as she smiled before running off. Doesn't seem like she forgets something... More like running away from something.

Or someone—

"Luocha, my friend!"

I was right. I couldn't forget that voice, I couldn't even if I tried to. That voice brought me a whiplash of bitter memories, ones I never wanted to remember. I turned around, facing him. How I dislike him so badly. I gritted my teeth as I forced a smile, hoping none of my despise towards him slipped through.

"Zihan, old friend." I returned his call, oh how badly I want to see him on the ground beaten up to a pulp. Ah, intrusive thoughts.

The last time I managed to attain an injury on him was way back when I was still new on the Path. He had learned of my joint research with Y/N and the results we achieved didn't sit well with him. And so, he hunted the weaker one out of the two of us; Y/N.

I found out about it and I ended up paying him a visit, along with a few gifts. Let's say, I improved myself after that situation. No longer do I get anger get the best of me, and no longer do I let my real emotions cross my face. It turns out some people derived pleasure out of seeing other people suffer; and one of them was Zihan.

"What an honour seeing you here, Luocha," he grinned, arms open wide as he neared me. "Its been a real long while since we've seen each other, huh?"

"Exceptionally long to even call me a friend, Zihan," I replied, crossing my arms on my chest.

"Oh, why the cold greeting? Its like you don't want me here," he faked a pout, then searched for the surrounding; as if looking for someone. "Huh... I could've sworn I saw someone with you, Luocha."

At this rate, I think he knew about Y/N. And that made me feel much more uneasy, uncertain panic weaved into my mind as I thought of what he may have done while I was gone.

I grabbed Zihan by the collar, to which his men raised their fists at my direction. I masked my expression with a calm facade, it would be difficult on my end if I showed any hint of emotion.

"Zihan, I think you need some glasses," I commented, dusting off his shirt as I said so. "Better yet, an eye surgery would do you better. How has your eyesight been since then?"

The man before me gritted his teeth in annoyance as he pushed himself off of me. "Luocha... you damn pig!!"

"I've heard worse, try again."

"You say all these now... but allow me to let you in on an information. I know Y/N is alive and I know you met her a few more times now!" he yelled, everyone on the bridge had distanced themselves away from us.

It seems we have caused quite a disturbance.

Though it made my blood boil that he already knew of Y/N's existence, I couldn't let the anger take over my facade. I fixed the sleeves of my clothes, ignoring the raging Zihan before me. He didn't seem quite at all perturbed at the disturbance we caused... which was usual for people like Zihan.

"your eyesight is getting worse the more we meet. Perhaps you can schedule an appointment with me and we could make the payment work after?"

Zihan spit out blood onto the ground. Interesting... Is there another disease or injury I wasn't aware of? He moved past me, only to whisper to me as he reached by my shoulder.

"....I'll remind you how wrecked you were when Y/N died." he turned to me, glaring daggers. "I made it once, don't think I won't do it again."

Seeing him leave with my own eyes brought me relief as I could finally feel like breathing. A frown washed over my features as I realised the situation at hand.

Its the same thing all over again, and I quite hated it. The last time this happened, I went through a dark age of my life. One where I refused to look back to, at some point in time I even refused to acknowledge that part of my life.

I took my leave, the white coffin following me closely behind. Inside laid a piece of my past, one which I was so sure of letting go. But now that these things happened... It proved to me very obviously that I wasn't ready to let it go. Hell, it still haunts me to this day. I thought disguising it as a part of moving on would work, but alas history felt the need to repeat itself once more.

A newfound determination filled me. Now that I went through that dark age, I knew what to expect and what to do as a course of action. This time, I won't let anyone die as a consequence of my mistakes.

I wouldn't let her die once more. This is a promise to myself.

HIM . 𝐥𝐮𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐚Where stories live. Discover now