Magic Book

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The episode begins with Louis walking with his little brother Lincoln.

Louis: Do you remind me why I have to accompany you? (Louis says while stroking the head of his white rabbit.)

Louis and Lincoln arrive at a garage sale hosted by an old man.

Old: Hello young people. Welcome to the garage sale. Take a look, maybe you'll find something that interests you?

Lincoln does as the old man says, looking among the scattered objects on the table.

Louis doesn't care and prefers not to look.

Suddenly her white rabbit jumps out of her arms to land on the table.

Louis: Snowball! Come back !

The brown-haired boy searches for his rabbit among the objects on the table.

Louis: Snowball, come back immediately.

The rabbit looks at the objects around him until he stops in front of a magician's hat and jumps into it.

Louis: Snowball, get out of that hat. (He puts his hand in the magician's hat.)

Louis tries to retrieve his rabbit from the hat and senses something.

Louis: Find... (He pulls out a bouquet of flowers.) Flowers?

He plunges his hand back inside to bring out a white dove.

Louis: What the...

Louis pulls several objects out of the hat until he retrieves his rabbit.

The old man is a witness and finds that the young man has a lot of talent.

Old man: My boy, you have a gift.

Louis: A talent? I just brought out a few things... I used to when I do my magic show with my sister. And magie is not real.

Old man: You have a rabbit. I myself have never succeeded in anything. You have a gift, young magician.

Louis: Wait, I really have no passion for magic...

Before Louis could finish his sentence. The old man hands the hat and a book to Louis.

Louis: ...I'm not interested in magic!

Old man: Sorry, you took. Now it's up to you. Final sale.

Louis: But...

Old man: FINAL SALE!!!! Hahaha!!! (The old man throws a smoke bomb on the ground.)

Louis and Snowball are blinded by smoke.

Louis: ...Wait! (The smoke clears. Louis sees that the old man hasn't had enough time to leave.)

Old man: Stupid discount smoke bomb. Now I understand why it cost less... Look, he has the ice cream vendor!

Louis: ... (Louis doesn't even turn.)

The elderly man walks home.

Lincoln was able to find his happiness and Louis too.

Lincoln: So what did you find? (He asks his brother.)

Louis: A so-called book of magic. I have doubts on that. (He brings up his book.)

Lincoln: Even if it's not magic. At least it will give you a new book to read.

Louis: Yeah...

Lincoln and Louis return home. The dark-haired boy goes straight to his room.

He leafs through the pages of the book, sees several illustrations with different kinds of magic.

Louis: (thought) I don't understand why this old man absolutely wants me to have his book? Already the magic is not real. I know that I do magic tricks myself and magic is fake.

Louis turns the pages of the book but his concentration is disturbed by the cries of his sisters and brothers.

Louis: Sometimes I want him to stay quiet. (He speaks out loud.)

Suddenly the wind blows through her window which has left it open. The wind turns the pages and stops on a spell of petrification.

Louis: A petrification spell that lasts 10 minutes. It would be funny if it works.

Louis: Freezio!! (Reading aloud.)

Louis remarks that it's quiet. Really too quiet for a house with 11 children.

Louis: Is it calm? Too calm? (He comes out of his room to see what's going on.)

Arriving at the living room, Louis sees his sisters and brother who do not move.

Louis: They're not moving. Ok, everyone. The joke has gone on long enough. You can stop.

He sees that his siblings are not moving.

Louis: Did it work? (He doesn't know if it worked well or not.)

Snowball descends downstairs with the grimoire in his paws. The white rabbit goes up the petrification spell page.

Louis: Yeah, the spell lasts 10  min.... 10 minutes for me. The best day of my life!

10 minutes

Louis goes to the kitchen and opens a hidden secret hatch. He finds a piece of his father's cake and eats it.

9 min.

Louis takes pies from Luan to throw at her.

The brunette girl is covered with a cream table.

8 mins

Louis: I've always wanted to do this. (He picks up Luna's guitar and plays really really badly.)

Louis makes a lot of false notes because he is not gifted in music like his musician sister.

Louis: Yeah... I really have no musical talent...

Louis continues to enjoy his time until there is only 1 minute left before the spell cancels.

The brown-haired boy hurries back to his room.

0 min.

Louis' siblings begin to move again and all feel like they've had a moment of absence.

Luna: Who happened?

Luan: Who threw my pies at me? I'm saving them for next April Fool's Day.

The others are also confused and don't understand what happened.

Louis who hears them from his room understood it was and the book that had is really magic.

Louis: Interesting. I can't wait to see what this book can do.

Louis is reading the other pages of the book when his rabbit jumps in front of him and is eating.

Louis: Are you hungry? Wait, I think there are carrots left in the fridge... Or can I be conjured up by magic?

He uses a spell that causes tons of carrots to appear in his room.

Snowball jumps into the pile of carrots and eats them.

Louis: This book is really great.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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