Chapter one {Its like magic}

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Elena's pov ~
I woke up due to ruby and granny fighting , good lord ruby wasn't like this when we were younger she was kind and sweet but then puberty hit . I showered and combed my short curly hair. I walked into the dinner and got to work. "morning granny Ruby at it again?" I asked annoyed.
"You know how she is she wants to see the world and she blames me for holding he back because I had a heart attack!" She said loud so ruby could hear .
I walked away and worked the register.
After the dinner closed I decided to go for a walk when I got this odd feeling. Then this yellow but slammed on the brakes and a blonde woman got outta the car. I noticed Henry so I walked up to the car.
"Henry are you okay your mom has been looking for you every where and raising hel-" I was Cut off by the blonde , "hi do you know where he lives?" She asked .
Down the road the mayors house is the biggest house on the block.
"Your the mayors kid?" She asked surprised .
"Maybe" he said quickly
"Henry lie only leads to bad things you can't get sucked into the darkness." I whispered .
"Well I should get him home it's late.." she awkwardly insisted.
"Later Henry ." I said walking away.
I walked to the beach to clear my head. When I felt a small set of hands touch my back.
"Henry I know it's you." I responded
he sat next to me.
"Come to clear your head to?" I asked nudging him. still no answer ..
"Who was that woman?" I asked .
"My real mom ." he replied as he looked away .
"Woah sorry kid ." I patted him on the back ."If it makes you feel better Ruby finally told me I was adopted."
I said looking away.
"I don't know where I belong either." I said looking down.
"Your Snow White and Prince Charmings daughter." Henry replied.
"Yeah I know but where are they?" I said looking to the sky.
I was gonna say something to Henry but my phone went off.
"It's Regina have you seen Henry I thing his birth mother took him." she said worried .
"No Mam I just found him I'll bringing him home right now." I rolled my eyes after saying that.
"Thank you me and him will have a discussion when he gets here."
I hung up,
"Henry lets go." I sighed
"Okay." he said looking down.
We walked to Regina's in silence .
We walked to the door.
I rang the doorbell and as soon as I did I herd foot steps coming towards the door.
Henry looked scared.
The door opened and Regina makes us both come in.
"Ms.Mills I apologize." I say bowing.
"Don't be in glad you brought him back safely." she said looking at me .
I looked into her eyes and I felt my knees get weak.
"I should go." I said walking off
"It would seem so thank you for bringing my son back home." she replied .
"Anything for you Regina.." I said walked out
What the hell was that ?!!! I've never felt that way . Fuck that i better leave ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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