chapter two

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The following day, Layla goes and sees Poppy and Maggie, who she knows she can trust with anything. The Romans are getting riled up now, and Layla's worried that Annabeth and Percy and their friends won't arrive back in time.

"We need more traps and weapons," Maggie is saying when Layla shows up. "The Romans have so many things that can destroy our home."

"But we can't do anything unless they attack us first," Poppy responds, waving at Layla. "That's the problem."

"I don't know if they will attack," Layla admits, slinging her axe across her back. "They've been here for what, two weeks now? Maybe they're just trying to intimidate us."

"It's that Will Solace knockoff, I'm telling you," Poppy adds, staring over at where the Romans are. Layla looks over and sees the guy she's talking about. Tall, blonde hair, and a permanent scowl on his face. "He's up to no good."

"Dreams?" Maggie asks, to which Poppy nods.

"He's been calling himself a... what is it called? I don't know. Some kind of superior. Ponti Maximus or something."

"Pontifex Maximus?" Layla offers. "I think it's like a priest or something."

"Why would he be calling himself a priest? We're demigods. We aren't religious, last I checked."

Maggie snickers before grabbing a pile of weapons in her arms. "You're an idiot, Pops. Come on, we need to go give these to Jake before the Romans invade."

"Why Jake? Can't we give them to Clarisse?"

"Because Jake asked for them."

"So we just do everything that Jake asks us to now?"

Layla watches with a small smile as her best friends begin bickering and walking away. She's eternally grateful for Maggie and Poppy. Eternally.

"Did I just miss another Maggie and Poppy argument?" Connor asks, appearing from seemingly nowhere. Layla grins, nodding her head slightly. "Damn it. What was it this time?"

"Weapons and, as Poppy referred to him, the Will Solace knockoff."

Connor laughs loudly at that. "'Will Solace knockoff?' I'd love to know what Will thinks of that."

Layla giggles softly. "I'm sure he'd love to hear that. Poppy's been seeing this guy in her dreams. Calling himself Pontifex Maximus. She seems to think that he's insane."

"Crazy," Connor mutters, staring over at the Romans. "Absolutely crazy."

"Give me my bracelet back, Connor."

"Damn it."

He gives her back the bracelet, and she reties it on her wrist. She looks back over at the Romans, trying to gauge whether or not they were going to attack.

"What're you thinking about?" Connor asks quietly. "What's on your mind, Lay?"

Layla sighs and shakes her head. "Do you think Percy and Annabeth will get back in time? I don't know how much longer we have until the Romans decide to attack. Or Gaea, for that matter."

Connor shrugs. "I don't know," he admits. "I think they'll be back soon."

Before Layla can respond, Poppy and Maggie come running back over to them, Poppy's eyes wide.

"Woah, Pops, what–" Layla starts, before Maggie shakes her head.

"Rachel just had a vision," she interrupts, panting loudly. "When we were with Jake."

"Okay," Layla says, tilting her head slightly. "What was it?"

"August 1st," Poppy stammers out. "Gaea is rising."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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