Long Day

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I groan irritated as a loud noise approach my ears. Sharp and piercing! I slowly remove the blanket from over my eyes to look over to the side. Slowly opening my eyes barely being able to see I see my phone illuminate from the corner of my desk. I have a bit annoyed as I slump over my bed and crawl to get my phone. After I grabbed it I quickly took the time before answering. It was just barely going on around 3: 00am. I quickly rolled my eyes as I checked the caller ID. It's my older brother. I sigh as I decide to answer the phone.

As I do so on the other side of the line I can hear my brother panicking as he speaks up. " Minoru please this is important!" Usually it is always important when it comes to him. But he sounds petrified. I wait for him to continue. " So Mom Dad and our sisters went out to get something earlier today. And they didn't come on." Is he really considered about them mostly like going on a trip without him. I huff I speak up. " They mostly likey just went on a small trip." After I said that he quickly yells at me." Minoru there at the hospital! " I froze. He's joking right.

" Minoru I'm at the hospital right now. I got called 30 minutes ago. They found my phone number in the car. " My eyes widened as I didn't know what to do." They were driving and some guy rammed their car into them. Dad and Minora are ok. But Mom and Meteora haven't woken up yet. " Meto seems to be balling his eyes out at this point. " did you want me to come down there Meto!?" I quickly spoke. After a few minutes he responded." No I'm taking Dad and Minora home. I'll call you a bit later today. I may even just pick you up later. " I only hummed as the phone call ends.

Both Mom and Meteora aren't up yet. I hope they are ok. I slowly crawl myself in a ball. My feet to my chest along with my phone. A few tears fell down my cheeks as I softly wine. I didn't even bother to try and sleep again. I just lay down in my bed crying. After what feels like only a few minutes. My eyes start to differ me off. I shut my eyes only for me to sit up faster then Midoriya does when he hears their new Allmight merch. The loud sound of my phone alarm goes off. I quickly bring my phone to my face. I look at the alarm as it says it was already 6:10 am. I quickly gripped my phone and groaned in anger. I am so tired.

I take a deep breath as I dismiss the alarm and sit up properly. Throwing my feet over the side of the bed. I tightly gripped my phone as I push myself off of the bed. Slowly I made my way to my closet. Grabbing a handful of the clothes I need and walking into the halls. I stop to realize I should grab my backpack. I quickly turn right Back around to grab it. Setting my clothes down. I then walk out the door with my ph6ans keys in hand. Along with my backpack on. I quickly lock the door. I then walk down the hall and into the elevator.

I quickly start to play on my phone. After a few minutes the doors to the elevator opened and I walk out. I instantly stop when I hear Iida speak up. " Mineta where is your school at?" I stopped and look down at what I was dressed in. I fucking lefted my uniform upstairs. I groan out as I respond. " I need to get them clean." I mubble. I'm just not in the mood today. Iida only nod his head as he speaks up. " Very well Mineta. But please by lunch get them cleaned up."

I look at him before responding. "There on my bed." I didn't really remember whos in charge this week of woshing clothes. Iida quickly nod as he responds. " I'll let Bakugo know." I only nod as I walk out of the dorms.  I then quickly make my way down the halls tords class. But I end up stopping as I bumped into something. " Fuck that hurt!" I hisses out. Gripping my head. After a few seconds I hear someone yell. " what the hell is the matter with you!. That fucking hurt you." 

They seam to pause for a minute before continuing to speak." You short as fucking perv! Keep to yourself. " I loook up confused to see a random girl. She looked down at me pissed off. After a second she quickly covers her chest and her hand fall below her waist." Don't look at my like that! " look at her like what? I role my eyes. I'm not in the mood to try and figure that out right now. I just look way as I go to walk off . But before I can get far I bum into a guy who was standing right next to her. After a second I blacked out. Once I woke up I was in Recovery Girl's office. I hiss as I grip my head. Slowly sitting up. I look around the room to see my older brother here. " Glad your up. I just wanted to come to check up on you "

I hiss as a strong pain irritates my scalp." What happened? " He looks at me confused before responding ." Actually I was hoping you can tell me. I walk into the school and see you passed out and betten all up. Minoru if this is because of the phone call I can take you home." I quickly shake my head. " No I just bumped into someone. I didn't get to say sorry before I got knocked out." Meto only seam to nod in response. He quickly stood up as he walked over." I'm glad your ok. And are you sure you don't want to come home. "

I take a deep breath as I responded to him." Ya I'm sure Meto. I'm not going to let someone keep me down today. I'll be fine. Just get home and keep a eye on Dad and Minora. " He nod as he quickly rubbed my head." Ok Minoru. But if you do need me. Text me please. I'll pick you up if need be. " I nod my head in response as he leaves the room. But as he does so I hear him say something." Hello good looking ~" And right after a slap. I chuckled as I look up to see Recovery Girl's walk in." Mineta you sg6go back to bed. I've done a small heath evaluation and bass off what your brother has told me when he got here. You need a bit of time to calm down. " I nod as I layed back down. Guess my day ends here. And what a sucky on it was.

Word count 1192

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