CH 7.2 Costly Mistake

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Alex could hear the back door open, even in the shower. She kept it squeaky for that reason. Without turning off the water, she stepped out of the shower and shrugged on her robe. She cracked open the extremely quiet bathroom door and peeked out.

The warm glow of the kitchen lit up Cale's silhouette as he stood in the doorway, and Alex could feel her heart quicken. She kept her voice steady despite her racing pulse. "Hi, Cale. I'll dry off, dress, and be out in a sec."

Cale slowly looked around the living room, his eyes lingering on the large stack of books. He squinted and was just about to take a step closer to read the titles when Alex emerged from the hallway, her damp hair wrapped in an oversized towel.

"What would you do if you saw a CIA training manual in there?" Alex asked, her voice casual yet determined.

Cale spun around and cleared his throat. "I'd turn to the computer section, if it had one. Maybe I could learn enough to help you find something useful." His gaze drifted down to her side and he stepped forward. "Alex..."

She followed his line of sight and bent to pick up the section of her T-shirt with the creeping bloodstain. "I'll pack it with gauze. I knew I should only buy black T-shirts."

Cale's stern voice held a hint of worry as he firmly suggested, "Alex, seek medical care."

"You sound like Gabe—" Alex's words trailed off as she glanced away.

Cale cleared his throat before speaking, his voice soft but firm. "Give him some time," he said. "We all feel responsible for the mess we've made, and Dr. Dewey—he's not like us. He doesn't need to be dragged into this chaos. We can't let him get hurt."

Alex held her breath, understanding what Cale had left unspoken. Alex breathed in a deep sigh, her chest heavy with guilt. She gazed at Cale with plead-filled eyes. "I'll visit Dr. Dewey then," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Cale's gaze softened and he nodded. "If you feel you're strong enough. Gabe's with him."

"I'll wait," Alex replied as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Alex, please don't avoid your problems," Cale said, his voice gentle yet firm.

Swallowing hard, Alex tried to steady her trembling hands before clasping them together. "Cale, what else can I do? I told Gabe the truth and he doesn't believe me. What do you want me to do, make up some story about remembering being a spy for the CIA? He has to decide to trust me... Do you believe me?" Her last words came out in a desperate plea.

Cale clacked his claws for a moment before answering. "I've been pondering this. I believe that you've pulled through for us in some tight spots. You can see our true faces, Alex. I can't believe you're our enemy, so you must be our ally. The Portal Guardian can't be wrong about making you our teammate."

"Thanks, Cale." Alex furrowed her brow and rubbed her temples with her fingertips, trying to push away a wave of exhaustion that threatened to overtake her. "Has any Guardian ever turned evil?" At Cale's silence, she added, "That's probably a question I shouldn't ask." She felt a yawn escape her lips. "Sorry. It looks like today has taken more out of me than I thought. Do you need anything else, or should I just rest for now?"

"Shouldn't you go to the hospital?" Cale asked, his voice laced with worry.

Alex shook her head and winced as she pressed a shaking hand against her bleeding side. She forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I've had worse that closed by themselves. It'll be a lot better when I wake up, you'll see. Please stay with your brothers. They need you more than me."

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