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James POV
First Year: Christmas

I could see the faint sunlight shining in through the window by my desk. My curtains were still covering most of my body from view but my head was poking out.

The rest of the boys were sleeping soundly on their own beds. Remus was lightly snoring and Sirius and Peter were in weird positions.

And I was just lying there, my blanket pulled up to my chin and I was holding on it with my fist while the other hand was under my pillow.

My body was facing sideways towards the left where there was a window with the orange light of the rising sun.

I was just staring at the curtain moving gently with the crisp morning breeze. I occasionally blinked, but mostly just stared.


I was thinking about one person in specific. Her. The love of my life. Drop dead gorgeous. The way she rolls her eyes. The way her hair falls in her face.

The way she reads non stop. The way her eyes sparkle in the sunlight, and her smile in the moonlight. As soon as I met her I knew there was something, but I can't tell the group.

If they were to find out, I would die from all of them teasing me nonstop. I'm so done with them teasing me already I couldn't take anymore.


The girl of my dreams.

My girl.

Lily Evans.

(Gotcha *finger guns* 😏)

I sighed. A big long deep sigh.

And with that I got up deciding I needed to stop thinking about her for at least a little while.

Today was Christmas, and today was about the boys. The girls had gone home. Including Lily and her sister y/n so basically it was just us four in the Gryffindor house that had stayed.

Sirius did not want to go home and feel the wrath of his parents, Remus just didn't feel like it, Peter wanted to spend time with his friends, and I just stayed cause my parents were on a vacation.

I flung my blanket over my legs and to the end of the bed then swung my legs over to side. I was sitting there rubbing my eyes for a minute before I fully stood up and walked over to Sirius' bed.

I lightly shook him awake with both of my hands on his shoulders. "Hey! Sirius! It's Christmas! Wake up!" I whisper yelled.

He groaned loudly as he was unhappy that his beauty sleep was disrupted.

"Come on Sirius! Or I'll open your presents for you!" I stated.

Hearing these words he immediately jumped up off of his bed, causing him to bump his head on the top of his four poster bed, and getting caught in the curtains, causing him to trip and take the lamp on his desk down with him.

The lightbulb broke open as soon as it hit the ground, luckily when he tripped he unplugged the lamp on accident so it didn't cause anything to burn.

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