The Story

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 The sun shines brightly through the windows, heating up the courtroom even more. It is already hot enough in here with all the tension and pressure. I feel beads of sweat drip from my forehead and use my sleeve to wipe them away. My long, hazel brown hair in a bun, which helps because it's not in my way. Everyone is standing up with straight looks on their faces. I feel as if everyone's eyes are on my emerald green ones. Not a single word is said.

Then the judge begins to speak, breaking the tense silence, "Miss.Willows the court would like you to present your case."

Everyone sits back down as I begin to walk in front of a desk and stand right dead center in front of the judge.

"Your honor, though most evidence shows that, Trey Smith is guilty, there is some evidence which shows he did not commit the murder himself. He did it through someone's orders or was forced to," I confidently state,

Mr.Williams lawyer, Martin Liams, appears in front of me and answers.

"Your honor, what evidence does Miss.Willows have that shows Trey Smith did not commit the murder himself, with his own intentions?" he defiantly asks.

I grab a cellphone from my desk and walk over to the judge. I hand him my evidence and say, "This is Lisa Williams phone and she has a very interesting recording on it, your honor. You should listen to it."

Then, I quickly freeze everyone in the room, in their spots, other than Mr.Williams. I walk up to the middle aged, old, and graying multi-billionaire, look him in the eye and say, "I know you're behind all of this."

"Why would I kill my daughter, my princess, she means the world to me. And why did you freeze the room, you know you're overusing your powers."

I do have magical powers, you've heard him right. But, every rich, successful, and powerful person in this world has them. There are creatures called fairies, yes they are real. Everyone has a birth fairy, a fairy who is with them from the time you are born, to the time you die. You never see them but, they are always watching. Your birth fairies watch you as you grow, and if you meet their standards they gift you with powers. Unfortunately, they can't take it away, and some people like Mr.Williams, overuse their powers. Which is why he is practically the king of this world, because he controls so many minds, literally! Really you should not be surprised, we are in London and magic is everywhere. How do you think Steve Jobs became successful? Magical powers I tell you.

"Miss.Willows, I would not talk back if I were you. And I guarantee you I will win this case," Mr.Williams says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I give him a deadly glare and then unfreeze everyone in the room, as I walk back toward the judge. The judge now moving, examines the phone and begins.

"The court will look over this evidence, and will meet up again tomorrow. Court is adjourned,"

I look at Trey, the accused man. His chestnut brown hair covers his eyes, but you can still see them, it would incredibly hard to miss his bright, ocean blue eyes. His tall frame is dressed in black suit with a black tie, and hunched over in thought. He sighs and then slowly stands up, and walks toward the exit of the courtroom, where some guards are standing. I follow him and the guard as they escort Trey into a car, and I quickly jump into mine. I follow the black car to the London jail. When we reach there, the guards take Trey out and into his prison cell, they let me follow, for they are accustomed to my visits. He sits down, and I take the seat across him.

"Trey, what are you going to do? Will you tell them?" I question.

"I don't know Selene, I don't know. Because if I do, who knows what Mr.Williams will do to my family and I. And, we all know he always wins," Trey answers as he sighs. We both sit in silence as I flashback to the first time I met this man, and his story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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