Truth or lies. (Zayn Malik)

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It was 3 o'clock and the last bell had .just rung and the hallways were flooded with other students trying to get to their lockers. You finally reached mine as a figure approached and you instantly recognized her. It was Jolene. As she approached you quickly pulled up your sweater sleeves to hide your scars and wondered what today word of the day she had picked out. You were trying to think of all the ones she had used. Fat. That's all she said. And then walked away. You felt your eyes flooding with tears until You saw your boyfriend Zayn approaching you quickly blinked them away and smiled. And he flashed his beautiful smile; he asked me how my day was you answered same old. Ad he replied the same. Zayn knew about Jolene but he didn't know it had gotten this bad. He knew that she "occasionally" comes up to me and bullies but it had gotten much worse she would text me a word of the day and tell me what you weren't. She even physically harms you and threatens me. "Do you have anything planned for today?" Zayn questioned. "It is Friday you know" You answered: "nothing yet. Maybe we could hang out?" Zayn agreed to come over at 4:30. As you were walking home one of your best friends Harry styles came up and asked if he could walk with you because you lived in the same apartment building. "Sure" you replied. "Sounds great. How was your day? Oh wait did you have mrs. Nenkie for math today? If you did then dont even answer that. I had her today...." "Very funny Harry! And no I didn't have math today, but I did have art." You replied. Art was your favorite because you could express what you were feeling and it allowed you to escape from reality. Harry knew that and he also knew what was going on with Jolene. But he didn't know everything that was happening to you because of her. You reached your apartment and Harry said goodbye and said he would text you later and see if you and Liam Louis Niall Zayn and him could catch a movie that weekend. You agreed and closed the door. You dumped your bag on the ground and thought after school snack, but then thought no. You walked into the bathroom and found your razor blades and cut. Not big but big enough to let everything out. Then you walked to your room and sat at your desk and started to work on the portrait of you and Zayn as the doorbell rang and you got up to get it. You opened the door and it wasn't Zayn it was Jolene a.nd her friends. "What do you want." You asked. Her friend Macy spoke up. "The way you talked to us today was totally not ok bitch." "What did I ever do to you to make you talk to me this way." As you slammed the door. You ran to your room and laid on your bed sobbing. You hadn't even heard the door open when all the sudden you heard "babe are you ok?" Zayn was here. "I'm I'm fine." You blubbered. "Emily don't lie to me I know your not." Zayn said as he came to sit on your bed. You sat up and he hugged you really tight not letting go for what seemed and eternity as you cried on his shoulder. He pulled away and looked at you with those big concerned brown eyes. "What's going on. Em you know you can tell me anything." He said as he brushed your dark brown hair away from you tear streaked face. "It's Jolene again she came to my house today and Macy and everyone was there and they were yelling at me because I apparently said something rude to them today. I haven't said anything to them today I even kept my mouth shut when she called me fat. And Zayn it hurts so bad and I can't take it anymore. And I'm glad that I could sit you down and tell you everything I just can't fake smile anymore. And I can't do it anymore." You stuttered out. You got up and went to the bathroom to take off your makeup. Zayn didn't know you cut and that would be another thing you would have to tell him. He knocked on the door and asked if you were all good and you replied "just taking off my makeup. I'll be right out." "Ok. I'm gonna go eat something to eat out of the kitchen you want anything?" You replied no and he walked away. When you were sure he was gone you pulle out your blades again and cut again. When you had finished taking off your makeup you lifted up your hoodie and were studying about how much weight you'd lost thi s week. Zayn knocked on the door again and you looked at your phone and realized you'd been in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes. "Em are you ok?" You opened the door and kissed him and said yes. He said he had made some popcorn and you could pick a movie. You knew this meant cuddle time so you chose the vow. You and him cuddled on the couch and you had eaten a couple kernels if popcorn when Zayn kissed you and took your hand in his and your sleeve fell back. He saw your fresh wound before you could pull your sleeve back. "Em! How long has this been going on! Why didn't you tell me! I can't believe this ! Babe have you been cutting because of me?" He asked in a frightened tone. "Zayn relax I haven't been cutting because of you. It's because of Jolene I never told you in the bedroom that she's been bullying me everyday she gives me a word of the day today's was fat yesterday was worthless. It's realy been getting to me and I wish someone understood me." You screamed the last part. Tears were streaming down your face. "Babe I understand you I want to be with you forever and I wish you would have told me earlier. I wish I woulda known. I'm gonna beat that bitch to the ground. And her friends next. No one talks to my girlfriend like that. No one." Zayn said the last part in an angry tone. "Zayn relax its gonna be ok." You replied. You knew your mom wasn't gonna be home that night or in fact the whole weekend because she was gone on a buisness trip. She was gone all the time so she didn't even know about your bullying problem. Zayn and you kept discussing the topic until you looked at your phone and it was nearly 6 pm Zayn said he should get some dinner started and he would be staying at your house to make sure you were ok. He made pasta and you decided to splurge and eat a normal serving even though you were dying for more. Zayn kissed you as he started picking up the dishes. You out your hair up in a messy bun. He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "What are you looking at?" You asked grinning. "You. I've never seen something so beautiful." He replied. You smiled and got up to Help him with the dishes. Your phone vibrated on the counter and you saw it was a text from Liam. He asked and the other guys could come over. You looked up at Zayn and asked if they should or not. He said sure and said we could watch a movie or play a game. You texted Liam back and said sure. He replied with see you soon! Your phone vibrated again and all you saw was the word slut. You closed your messages and got up to help Zayn. He went to the cupboard to get more popcorn and you were standing at the sink drying dishes. He came up behind you and put his hands in your waist and kissed your neck. And whispered in your ear I love you. You turned around and smiled, kissed him on the cheek. He lifted you onto the counter of the island and started to kiss you when Harry walked in. Harry blushed and blurted out " I brought some movies. The other guys are on their way up." You smiled and nodded. He sat on the couch and started texting. You jumped off the counter and ran to your room, Zayn followed asking if you were ok and you smiled and said yes. He asked why you were smiling and you said that you had never seen anything as hot as him. He laughed and said we have guests. And winked Liam and the other boys walked in and you both came out and picked a movie you and Zayn sat on the couch and were cuddling. And he leaned in for a kiss. You kissed him back and Niall paused the movie and said jokingly get a room. You broke away and laughed and started watching again. When the movie was over you guys played charades for a couple of hours when it was 10 o'clock the boys said they'd better get home. They all waved goodbye and left. You and Zayn were cuddling on the couch for another half an hour when you finally said I thought it was cute when I was on tw counter and you kissed me and Harry walked in. Zayn laughed and said "i didn't know they would be there that quick." You said "it's ok Harry knows me and we're dating so we're all good." You got up and said its 10:30 ! And we haven't finished our movie. You finished you movie and by that time it was already 11:15. You kissed Zayn ad got up to put it away. After that you went to your room to get in your pajamas and Zayn came in and said I didn't think I'd be staying over so I don't have any clothes he blushed. "It's ok" you replied and put your pajama top on. You climbed into bed and Zayn climbed in too. You turned over and said "we can cuddle as much as we want but no sex ok." "No I didn't want to anyways." Zayn replied. You smiled and thought that you had never even had sex and Zayn would never force something on you. You smiled and thought to yourself about how lucky you were for having him. You moved closer to him and put your head on his chest so you could hear his heartbeat. This was your favorite part of cuddling with him. He pulled you closer and you slowly fell asleep on his chest. You awake in a cold shiver and Zayn asks "babe what's wrong?" You had just had a terrible nightmare that Jolene was torturing you even more but this time physically. She started cutting you and shooting you. "No I'm alright babe." You shakily replied. "You don't sound ok." Zayn replied concerned. "Zayn I'm fine would you just drop it already!" You yelled. By this point Zayn definitely could tell something was up. "Em if you don't tell me what's wrong..." His voice trailed off seeming unsure of what to say. "Fine i'll tell you." You spit it all out about your dream. By the time you were done tears were streaming down your face. Zayn pulled you in close. He held uou there until you stopped crying. You were sobbing on his shoulder for a good 10 minutes until he started to rub your back and you calmed down. He pulled away and said "nobody does that to my girl." He got up and said he was going to make some breakfast. You got up and went to the bathroom to shower and do your makeup. When you came out you saw Zayn had made your favorite breakfast. An egg in the the shape of a heart, and 2 pieces of bacon with some bright purple grapes on the side. You knew you should stick to your diet but you just couldn't resist. You started to cut the egg, and Zayn got up and started to walk towards the bedroom. "Babe where are you going?" You questioned. He replied "just eat your breakfast it's a surprise!" You gulped down you breakfast and you walked towards the bedroom and you saw that he had laid aside an outfit for you. "Get dressed babe we're having a special day just me and you." Zayn smiled. "Ok love whatever you say!" You replied laughing. When you got dressed into the outfit he had picked out he led you to the bathroom and sat you down on a chair "close your eyes" he exclaimed! Reluctantly you nodded. He started wiping something on your face but you couldn't tell what. When he finished you opens your eyes to see that he had wipe off all your makeup. "Zayn! Why did you do that!" You exclaimed! "Because I know your beautiful just the way you are." Zayn said in a sweet tone. After that Zayn said turn around. He started to French braid your hair. When he finished he turned you around and kissed your forehead. "Zayn it looks beautiful!" You said happily. He took your hand and led you outside to his car. He opened the door and helped you in. You were driving for a long time. You finally arrived at a park. "Zayn what are we doing here?" You questioned. "Just wait and see" Zayn said laughing. You got out and saw he had a basket in his hands. With a puzzled expression on your face he led you all the way to the top of a hill in the park he pulle out all the supplies for a picnic. In the hot summer sun your skin was growing warm in the tank top you were wearing. You were wearing a lot of bracelets to cover your scars. You sat down on the blanket and so did Zayn it wasn't quite lunch let so you just sat and cuddled feeling the warmth of his body against your skin was comforting. He started to kiss your forehead and stopped and asked "is this ok babe?" You nodded and laid down he laid beside you and you laid there for what seemed an eternity. You liked the feeling of Zayn's kisses because they weren't sloppy and they were comforting and meant something. Your stomach started growling and he said "babe do you need something to eat?" I replied with a yes and he took out the sandwiches he had made. When you were done he started packing up and you walked towards the car with him. He helped you in again an he started driving and you soon reached your second destination. The beach; Zayn had brought along a red kite. Flying red kites was something you used to do with your dad before he died. It was the perfect kite flying day. You flew the kite and went for a long walk on the beach. By the time you came back to the parking lot it was already dusk. So once again Zayn drove you to a new destination. Back to the park it was pitch black when you got there he setup a blanket on the grass and yiu laid down and cuddled with him and stargazed until late. Zayn took you home and dropped you off. You dropped your stuff on the floor of the apartment. It was already 11:30. You turned on the tv and started watching tlc's say yes to the dress. You started daydreaming about what type of dress you would wear. An hour passed and it was now 12:30 am. You went to your room and tried to sleep but you couldn't because you missed Zayn already, you texted Harry to see if he was awake. He was and said he would be right over. You smiled at that thought; you liked Harry's company. He didn't even knock but came right in. He sat on the edge of your bed. "Emily are you ok?" Harry asked in a curious tone. You put on a fake smile and nodded "I just wanted some company." You said giggling. "Emily don't fool me like that." Harry said in a stern tone. You frowned. "Emily tell me. You know you an trust me" Harry said in a soft tone. You spit all you had been bottling up inside. Harry just sat there with a shocked expression on his face. He took your hands in his pulled back your sweater sleeves and kissed your scars. He held his lips to your wrists for a very long time and all the sudden you felt a hot tear on your wrist. Harry looked up and you saw his eyes flooded with tears. You had a look of concern on your face. "Harry don't cry for me." You said quietly. He nodded and hugged you. That was one of the best hugs you had ever gotten. Harry pulled back and kissed your cheek. Waved goodbye and started off. It was 1:30 and you quietly drifted off to sleep. When you awoke in the morning you felt someone's arms around you. You turned over to see Zayn. He was still in his clothes meaning he probably came in earlier. He had fallen asleep and his biceps where flexed in his grip around you. You tucked your head into his chest and listened to his heart beat. His heart thumped along and in what seemed like hours but it was only a few minutes. Zayn awoke and he hugged you close. He loosened his grip and rolled over with a yawn. You rolled over too, he climbed on top of you and kissed you before getting out of bed. He walked to the kitchen and started. Getting things out for breakfast you ran in and yelled playfully "not so fast! You can't just kiss me like that and then leave!" Zayn picked you up spun you around and plopped you on the couch. He started leaving a trail of kisses going down your neck. You kissed him back on the lips and he kissed you passionately and you could feel his tongue on your lower Lip. You contined kissing for what seemed hours. Finally he got up and started to make you breakfast. You went to your room and got dressed you went to the washroom and did your hair and makeup. When you got out you saw that Zayn had laid out an amazing breakfast. When you went over to the island counter he came up behind and gave you a love bite on the back of your neck. You turned around and kissed him and he put his hands on your waist and then he slipped his hands into the back pockets of your jeans. You looked up and smiled. You ate your breakfast with him. After breakfast you went the nearest mirror and saw there was a hickey forming there. You grinned.

*5 years later*

It was June 16 2018. Your hands were shaking as you clipped the veil to your curly waves in your hair. It was your wedding day. In 4 hours you were standing outside the doors of the church about to walk in. The church doors opened and your bridesmaids Elanour Perrie and Danielle walked ahead of you in their royal purple floor length dresses. Next went the flower girl Lux. She looked so cute at the age of 6. Next went your cousin Max as the ring bearer. You slowly walked in after. You looked at Zayn and the boys as grooms men. Zayn looked so handsome in his tux. He looked so happy. When I got up there and we exchanged our vows; he passionately kissed me. We walked out together as the newly wed Mr. And Mrs. Malik. We both had huge grins plastered across our face. Our wedding ended with a honeymoon in Italy.

*1 year later*

I was being rushed to the hospital in labour. I was in the front seat of our grey Mazda. I was groaning in pain and Zayn every couple of minutes would look over and ask if I was ok. He took my hand in his and said "it'll all be over soon babe." When you gotto the hospital he helped you out of the car and up to the maternity ward. As you were rushed into a room Zayn started dressing up in his scrubs to help with the labour. You had been in labour for about 4 hours now and the mid wife was saying she could see the head. Zayn was being very supportive in telling you when to push he was also getting very excited because he got to see the head coming. After about another hour the baby was out. It was a beautiful baby girl. "Zayn would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The mid wife asked. Zayn agreed and within 10 minutes she was getting bathed and cleaned. Zayn came over leaned in and kissed me and said "now I have two beautiful girls in my life. I am so proud of you for making it all the way through. I love you." He kissed me again. The baby was handed to me. I snuggled her close and whispered in her tiny ear "I will never let you go. My baby girl." "What should we call her?" Zayn asked in a joyful tone. "How about Rowen Serenity Malik?" You asked. "Babe I love it." Zayn kissed me. And then planted a kiss on his new baby girl.

Truth or lies. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now