The Run Away

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They were so dumb, I was under the bed! I waited until they had left and changed into my old cloths and just walked casually down the aisle hopping nobody would noticed me.

I almost made it but a lady at the entrance of the hospital stopped me. She asked me how I got in without her noticing. I looked around frantically for a way to get out of this situation. And just as she reached out to get her walkie-talkie I saw a sign that showed the hours that the employes had to work for I looked at the clock behind the woman and I said.

" Probably because you just switched shifts." I was so nervous.

She answered in an upset voice. " I switched shifts 15 minutes ago how come I didn't see you. " I thought that she was going to turn me in. But let me add in my defense I was also half drugged from the pain killers the doctor gave me.

She turned around and was now on her walkie-talkie. I looked around for a way out and then, on the same hallway I came from, I saw my parents and two security guards. Now more desperate than ever I looked around for another exit. Then I saw my liberation, an emergency exit not twenty yards away.

I limped as fast as I could and right before I went through the door my trouble making instincts kicked in and I pulled on a near by fire alarm. I thought this should provide a wonderful distraction.

I walked like a retard for about half a block then I went behind a super market and went to sleep.

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