Angry wangji

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Wangji is counting the flower vase that they need for the Blossom Garden Shop's order. He's alone because he asked Wei ying to get the ledger at the office.

Madam this is already complete. 50 pieces golden vases. Each vase consists of 20 red roses.. (he instructs the old lady) we need to finish this in 3 hours. Get five people to help you finish it, okay? I'll be back after two hours to check it.. (then he smiled, he can see Wei ying arrived, but he's with someone and they are laughing)

Wangji! Meet Nie Huaisang.. he's Sir Mingjue's younger brother. ( he introduced them with each other) and he is Wangji from the Lan family. He is my partner here in the production.

Hi.. nice to meet you. (Huaisang offers a hand shake but wangji only looks at it and does not even react)

Ah..haha.. (wei ying scratch his nape) don't mind him.. his a bit under the weather..

Wei ying we have a lot of things to do. Stop playing around..

Both Wei ying and Huaisang got startled by Wangji's strictness.

I should go now.. (Huaisang said and waved at Wei ying) I'll see you at the pavilion at lunch.

Okay..okay..  ( he waved back then immediately eyed Wangji then pouts at him) so rude!! Hmp

Go check the flowers so no reject can be included in the orders.. ( Wangji is still talking in an annoying way)

Yes Sir!! Hmp!

***At the office..

Okay sir I'll get back at you.. I'll just check on Sir Xiao Xing Chen if he's free to do the decorations on friday.. yes..yes.. okay.. ( Wen Qing put the phone down then dialed another number) Sir Chen, Mr. Yao is asking if you can personally do the wedding decorations on Friday?

Owww.. is that so.. okay I'll call him now thank you.. and put it on the schedule, I'll do it..

Okay sir. (She put down the phone and turned to Yan li.) So many clients like Sir Chen's work.. they always ask for him..

Yeah! (Yan li answers while typing at the computer. She's making the schedule for Sir Chen) hey.. have you seen Zixuan? Isn't he handsome?

Yeah he is, but he seems like mama's boy to me..

Really?? I don't see it.. but I think it's okay to be a mama's boy it means he's nice to girls..

Don't tell me you like him (Wen Qing)

Yeah! (Yan li answers giggling)

Your brother looks more mature than Zixuan.

Huh!!! A'cheng??? He is like an old man.. he's always angry..  ( Yan li said laughing.. he loves his two brothers.. but A'cheng is a bit of a hot headed person..  he always sees something that can trigger his patience.. unlike wei ying who's easy going , fun and sweet all the time..)

A guy came in that startled Yan li. "Hi can I use the phone.. ( Jin Zixuan asked)

Ha..s..sure...  (Yan li stammering while Wen Qing is smiling knowingly at her)

Zixuan dialed a number, then just a second passed someone answered his call... "Ah Sir Song Lan. Are you busy??....we need you at the green house just for a while sir.. Yes!! A new variety of hibiscus came.. (he listens) okay sir,  (he puts down the phone, smiles at them) thanks! Gotta go..

Not bad ( Wen Qing said when Zixuan left) he does look Cute..

See! I told you.. (yan li is giggling )

***Wen Chao is walking around the path where tulips are planted. Behind him are Wen Ning and Jiang Cheng. 

Are these the only variety that we have?? (Wen chao asks)

No! I saw it earlier in the west part. We have  the parrot tulips there.(Jiang cheng)

We need to send one hundred pieces of red tulips and fifty white at the production. (Wen ning informed them) we just need these garden tulips.

Okay! then ask Sir Xue yang for people to pick the flowers needed.. (Wen Chao said)

Ok I'll go to his office now.. (  Jiang Cheng said.)

*** Wangji and Wei ying are busy checking the roses on the flower vase. They need to finish it before the break time. When Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao came.

Are the orders finished? (Xichen asked his brother)

Ah..yes! We're just checking for some damage. (Wangji answers)

Then we will send people to pick it up now. (Jin Guangyao suggests)

Yeah sure! (Wei ying said while combing a hand over his hair, Lan Wangji eyed him.. His annoyance is gone already.. after he saw Wei ying laughing with another guy)

Ok then! We're going now.. (Xichen smiles at them then turns to Guangyao then gives him an even bigger smile) let's go

The two left living Wangji and Wei ying.

Ah.. Wei ying let's eat together later. (Wanji said, making wei ying look at him from head to toes)

You're not angry anymore???

No more..

Wei ying smirks"look at you, just being angry without me knowing why, then now you're okay.. how convenient." Let's just wait for the people to pick up these orders then we'll go..

Wangji smiled then extended a hand on his face. And pushed a hair behind his ear.. wei ying smiled back. Wei ying even stares at him.. Wangji got shy then turned to the vases in front of him. (In wei ying's head. "Hmm.. I really can't understand you..)

At the pavilion wei ying and wangji get some food from the buffet.. Wei ying saw his shijie already but her table is full, he pouts.. then his attention turns to the far corner of the place, there Huaisang is sitting and waving at him.

Wei-xiong!!!!! Come sit here...

Wangji heard Huaisang then immediately frowned.. he grab Wei ying and pulled him at the opposite side. Helplessly wei ying look at Huaisang and just let Wangji pulls him..

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