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Lara P.O.V

" So Lara, isn't this exciting we finally get to do this together" Evy asked as me and her finished the campsite that Rick started. I looked up at her and said " it feels like we aren't suppose to be here" I told her truthfully. It felt off here like evil was present and watching me. " Well maybe we aren't! But isn't it fun breaking the rules" Evy asked. I snickered Evy doesn't look like the type of person to break rules. "What do you think we'll find down there?" Evy asked curiously "Oh I don't know maybe gold, mummy, some secrets" I answered.

Once Rick was done with the rope we slid down it. " What is the god awful smell?" Jonathan asked. Right above him was the warden in all of his glory . I point up, as he follow my finger and look up to find that it was the warden himself Jonathan said "Oh". Like it was the most obvious thing, which it was.

I was to busy looking around at all the wonders. Gold, statues, reading the hieroglyphics, and- this is where they prepared people for the after life, I don't even realize it gotten brighter in here. "Lara come on" Rick said pulling me along with the group.

Rick was in the lead me beside him Jonathan behind me Evy behind Jonathan and the warden behind her, as we all walked down the hallway we could hear noises like bugs. Like thousands of the little things " what was that?" Jonathan asked. "Sounds like... bugs" Rick said as he continued to lead, I look back at Evy with a smirk on my face she understand what I mean and said to the warden " he said bugs" the warden automatically freaked out.

" what do you mean bugs? I hate bugs" the warden said as he start to look around I snickered a grown man who is a warden is afraid of bugs! But then again he might be afraid of water and soap

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" what do you mean bugs? I hate bugs" the warden said as he start to look around I snickered a grown man who is a warden is afraid of bugs! But then again he might be afraid of water and soap.

"The legs of Anbuis . The secret compartment should be hidden somewhere inside here" Evy said, I looked at the statue it seems so familiar like I seen this specific one at this specific place.

Imhotep I thought.

Another sound echoed through. Rich gave Evy the torch as he pulled out 2 guns while I pull out my 2 katana sword, the sounds could be heard from the other side of the statue. Pressing our selves against it we slowly walked around it, " ready" Rick asked once he see me nod he said "go!" and we jumped from behind the statue to find Americans. "You scare the bejesus out of us O'Connell" Henderson said, lowering his guns "like wise" me and Rick replied at the same time while we lower our guns and swords " miss Lara your O'Connell sister" Henderson asked, Rick replied for me " yes. My baby sister " in a dark voice daring Henderson to do something. "Hey! that's my tool kit!" Burn said reaching for it. Rick and I raised our weapon along with everyone else "no I don't think so" Rick said. A gun was pointed at my direction I looked to see it was Henderson who smirked at me.

""O-kay perhaps I was mistaken!" Burn said once a gun was pointing at his face by Rick, Henderson lower his gun still smirking at me " you know instead of a gun I can point something a little safe at you" he said, before he or anyone can blink I rise my sword and cut his gun in half while pointing one of my katana at his face "mmm you know I'm full of surprises Henderson most are dangerous" I said while smirking when he take a step back. Rick give me a proud look, " well, have a nice day gentlemen. We have a lot of work to be getting along" Evy said to the Americans, "push off! this is our dig site!" the Egyptologist said, quite arrogantly. I rolled my eyes at him "we got here first" Evy snapped, " this is our statue, friend" Henderson said after getting off the shock as he looked at Rick. "You wanna bet!" I challenged as I glared at them, "yes well there's 6 of you and 15 of me. Your odds are not so great O'Connell" Beni said.

"I've had worst!" Rick said, "I've been at worst and had worst!" I taunted. "Me too" Jonathan chimes, as we continued to glare at each other like children at a play ground. "Oh for goodness sakes " Evy said as she stepped between us and push my sword and Rick's guns down "if we're going to play nice we were going to have to learn how to share" She said as she look at Rick, "there's other place to dig " I said after I read one of the hieroglyphics on the wall as I turn and walked away as the rest of our team follow me.

"According to my calculation we are right underneath the statue, we should be right between his leg" Evy said, Rick was standing on top of a small statue, digging at the celling. Hopefully this is a better dig site because if not that would be unfortunate. I was reading the hieroglyphics on the wall as they continued on with the conversation, "yes well when through damn yanks go to sleep- no offence" Jonathan said quickly, "eh non- taken" me and Rick replied to him "well dig our way up and steal that book right under their nose" Jonathan declared. I sat down as I watch him play golf with a small rocks and a pick axe. "Are you sure that we'll find the secret compartment?" Rick asked, I looked up at him just as he took a brake at beating the ball. Evy looked over at me, I had so many dreams about ancient times that I really haven't told anyone just wrote it down in my dairy. I gave her a slight nod, " oh yes, if those beastly American's haven't beaten us to it, no- offence" Evy said to us "non- taken " me and Rick replied again.

"Where did our smelly friend go" Jon asked, "do you really want him back where there is no fresh air?" I asked him " no not really" he replied. When Evy was telling Rick about mummification, "so, let me get this straight they ripped out your guts and stuffed them into jars?" Rick asked in socked "and do you know how they took out your brain" Evy asked. " They take a hot rod stick it up your nose scramble things about and rip it out" I said with a shrugged, " Ow, that's got to hurt" Rick said grabbing his nose as if he was in a pain. "It called mummification you'll be dead when they do it" Evy said, "unless you did something horrible they might do it when you are alive" I add as I look over at Rick. "For the record if I don't make it out of here alive don't put me down for mummification" Rick said, looking at Jonathan who said "like wise" before he swung and hit the rock which came in contact with the ceiling making it crumble.

 "For the record if I don't make it out of here alive don't put me down for mummification" Rick said, looking at Jonathan who said "like wise" before he swung and hit the rock which came in contact with the ceiling making it crumble

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A loud boom was sounded I turn away so nothing would get in my eyes, when everything was clear I turn to see a sarcophagus, I stared at it shocked. Who could be the prisoner in the sarcophagus? "Buried at the base of... Anbuis" I said. "You know to much about this stuff Lar" Rick said , I rolled my eyes at him. " he must be someone of great importance" Evy said, I ran my hand on top of it " or he might did something very naughty" I said dusting off some of the dust to read the hieroglyphics. he that shall not be named... "What did he do sleep with the Pharaoh's daughter" Rick jokingly asked, I didn't laugh at him no one did. He looked at the sarcophagus awkwardly " this looks like some type of look without key it will took a month to break it" Rick said, "well whoever it was sure was not getting out" Jon add.

"A key?... A key! that what he was talking about" Evy start searching through the bag, once she found the... puzzle box. She raced back to us "hey that's mine "Jon wined like a child. "Now now my darling little boy share with your sister would you!" I said sarcastically, he stuck out his tongue before saying "you sound just like my mum" I rolled my eyes at him before we heard a scream. Rick bought out his gun I bought out my swords and hand Evy a dragger, she look at me crazily, " you had these under your dress?" she asked I nodded. "I have holsters for the my throwing knife, dragger gun and the rest is in my bags" I told her showing her the holsters that was hugging my upper thigh before following Rick and Jonathan.

The smelly little warden was running around in pain. We stood there confused and not knowing what to do, the warden was holding his head and stumbling around screaming in agony. He rushed past us not knowing what he was doing as he slammed against a wall at the end of the hall, by the sound of broken bones I know he was dead Rick look at me I said "he is dead" we all returned to the small room after what happen.

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