Chapter Nineteen ㅡ K Global Heart Dream Awards.

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''Lixieee! Look here! Say hi to Stays!'' 

Seungmin said, pointing the camera to the older blue-haired boy, who was busy getting his make-up done. Felix smiled at the camera and gave a small wave. Seungmin giggled and then turned the camera to himself. 

''Hello, Stays! We're currently in the dressing room...'' He spoke as he trailed around the room, looking through different objects that seemed foreign to him, even touching some of them. 

''We're here for K global heart dream awards! How cool, right? Yeah, I know. Stray Kids are cool- no wait, I'm cool, my hyungs are pretty boring...'' He said, biting on to the small piece of cookie he found from god knows where. 

''Hmm...'' Seungmin puckered his lips, looking around the room. ''Who to annoy...'' He mumbled and looked at the camera. ''Guys, see Channie hyung is on his phone...'' He said pointing the camera to the leader who showed a peace sign without lifting his eyes off his phone. 

''Changbin hyung is eating... Innie is doing I don't know what... Jisungie is on his phone as well...Hyunjin is god knows where...'' He said moving the camera around to each of the members. 

''Hmm... my boyfriend seems to be busy with getting his hair done, let's annoy him!'' He said giggling and went towards Minho. 

''Hyungieee! What are you doing?'' Seungmin asked, turning the camera towards his boyfriend who was busy getting his hair done. Minho chuckled and looked at Seungmin before looking back into the mirror. 

''Don't annoy me, baby. I'm busy right now. '' He stated and Seungmin stuck his tongue out, walking closer to his boyfriend and sat on his lap. 

''Hyung!! I'm bored~ what should I do?'' He whined and Minho laughed, gently pushing the younger boy away from his lap. ''Come on, baby, get off. You're disturbing the staff. '' He stated and Seungmin pouted before getting off his lap. 

''Guys it looks like Lee Know hyung is busy... hm... let's annoy Hyunjinne! I can see him now!'' He exclaimed and went towards the llama, sitting down right beside him. 

''Jinnieee! What are you doing?'' Seungmin said, turning the camera towards the older. Hyunjin smiled at him and waved a small wave. ''Nothing, Seungminnie. Are you ready for the evening?'' He asked, staring at Seungmin with the soft eyes he usually uses on Seungmin. 

Seungmin and Hyunjin were known to have a sweet friendship in the group. It was just like a hyung chasing his maknae around, and even if they were the same age, they looked up to each other a lot. Seungmin was known as Hyunjin's happy pill. No matter what the younger boy did, Hyunjin would always have this wide grin plastered over his face. Their relationship was definitely precious and envied by many. 

Including Minho. 

Minho sat on his chair, letting the make-up artists do their job while he glared at Hyunjin, boring holes in his head with his eyes. He knew that he was the one who made Seungmin get away from him, so it would make absolutely no sense if Minho got jealous because Seungmin got someone else to hang out with. 

But he couldn't help it. 

He couldn't help feeling this way. He didn't like the way Hyunjin's hand caressed Seungmin's cheek or the way his eyes had this soft look whenever he gazed at Seungmin. Minho didn't like it one bit. Even if he knew that they were just friends, or that he knew it wasn't justified for him to feel this way, he couldn't help it. 

He felt his veins throbbing, body burning with rage as jealousy pricked through his skin every time Seungmin was touched by someone other than Minho himself. 

Minho's eyes followed his boyfriend's movements, seeing the younger boy go cluelessly towards the designer noona who called out for him. 

Seungmin seemed to be having a talk with the designer, Minho's eyes were fixed on the girl, eyeing the way her hands touched Seungmin's jacket, putting back together a piece of gemstone, her hand then made its way towards his collar, adjusting it properly so that the other boy could breathe well. He saw Seungmin give her an adorable smile, which she gladly returned. 

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