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I laid in bed, my gaze fixed on the revolving ceiling fan blades. Darkness enveloped the room, yet my thoughts were a chaotic whirlwind. Troubling ideas darted through my mind, each one more unsettling than the last. The day's events played on a loop in my head, and an undercurrent of unease settled deep within me.

Nick's threat to leave the school because of me lingered in my thoughts. While a part of me was relieved at the prospect of not having to deal with him, a lingering sense of guilt tugged at my conscience.

'What am I even thinking? It's probably for the best if he goes. I don't need that kind of drama right now.'

Time stretched endlessly as I shifted restlessly in bed. Sleep remained elusive, and my anxiety only deepened with each passing minute. The stillness of the night seemed to magnify the inner turmoil I was experiencing. It was as if the very walls were contracting, suffocating me with their oppressive presence.

Eventually, exhaustion prevailed, wrapping its arms around me and leading me into the realm of slumber. My mind transported me to a different place-a rooftop awash in the gentle afternoon sunlight. There stood Nick, his gaze infused with warmth and forgiveness.

As if drawn together by an irresistible force, our lips met in a passionate kiss. The taste of his soft lips sent a tingling sensation down my spine. His hands roamed over my body, tracing a path down my form and lingering at the hem of my pants.

A burning desire surged within me, yearning for his touch to fan the flames further. "Nick," I whispered, only to be abruptly jolted awake, gasping for air. Morning sunlight streamed through my windows as I wiped the sweat from my brow. I threw the covers aside, only to be confronted by an undeniable bulge in my pants.

"This can't be happening," I muttered to myself, the disbelief evident in my tone. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, hoping that the act of standing up would help clear my mind. Rubbing my eyes, I stumbled towards the bathroom, desperately in need of a refreshing shower to shake off the remnants of sleep.

I discreetly adjusted my erection into the waistband of my boxers before throwing on some jeans. With a deep breath, I left the bathroom and found Elle seated on the couch. I joined her, taking a seat and trying to shake off the unsettling remnants of the dream.

"Morning, roomie," she beamed, her cheeriness in stark contrast to my unenthusiastic expression. Noticing my demeanor, she inquired, "What's the matter?".

I sighed, my voice tinged with frustration as I replied, "It's nothing, I just can't stop thinking about Nick leaving." She raised an eyebrow, surprised, and said, "I thought you'd be happy about that." I nodded, conceding, "I am, I just... It doesn't matter."

Elle's reassuring smile calmed my worries. "Don't fret over it," she said soothingly, her confidence unwavering. "I know Nick-he doesn't give up easily. Everyone's meeting at the library later to get started on the projects. I'm sure Nick will be there."

I relaxed taking a moment to unwind before later preparing to head out with Elle. As we navigated the corridors, Ryder and Monroe followed closely behind us.

When we reached the library, I observed that several groups had already assembled, deeply engrossed in their discussions. I scanned the room to see if Nick was among them, but he wasnt. Elle noticed my dejected expression and regarded me with a sympathetic look.

"You gonna be alright, Ben?" she inquired softly.

I managed a nod, concealing my disappointment as best as I could. Inhaling deeply, I settled into a seat at one of the tables while Elle headed to join Eva. Beside me, Ryder took a seat and released a weary sigh.

"Where is he?" Ryder grumbled.

"I honestly have no idea," I responded quietly.

The passing minutes seemed to drag on as the conversations carried on around us. Frustration mounted within me, and the waiting became unbearable. Eventually, unable to tolerate the uncertainty any further, I made up my mind.

"We're not waiting any longer, let's go," I declared with determination.

I walked alongside Ryder toward the suite block, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

Ryder cast a curious look my way, concern evident in his eyes. "What're you doing?" he inquired, his tone tinged with worry.

"I need to have a talk with him," I stated firmly, my voice resolute yet tinged with a touch of apprehension.

I took a deep breath as we reached Nick's suite, steadying myself for what was to come. With determination, I rapped my knuckles against the door, the sound resonating through the corridor. Anxious seconds ticked by as I awaited a response. After a brief pause, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a tousled Nick standing on the threshold. His dark hair was a mess, and sleepiness still clung to his eyes. With his bare chest exposed, his well-defined muscles and a line of abs that trailed down to his grey sweatpants were on display- it was evident that he had just woken up.

I sighed as I realized that Nick was still present, "You're still here." I muttered

"Why are you here?" he asked, his tone dripping with ice.

"I came to talk," I replied.

However, he dismissed the idea, retorting, "You're wasting your breath, Veridia," and making a move to close the door. Acting swiftly, I prevented the door from shutting fully. "Nick, please," I pleaded.

He studied my face, his reluctance evident, before finally relenting. "Fine," he said with a sigh. "But just you, your babysitter can stay out here," he added, motioning towards Ryder. Ryder took a protective step forward, his tone firm as he stated, "Over my dead body."

I gently clasped Ryder's hand, reassuringly affirming, "It's okay." My words were meant to soothe his concerns. Ryder's gaze locked onto mine, searching for that reassurance. After a fleeting moment, he exhaled deeply, conceding, "I'll just stay here, but make it quick." With a nod, I released my grip on his hand and turned back to Nick.

Nick took a step to the side, allowing me passage, and I stepped into the room.

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