chapter 1

16 1 0

Author note: hey everyone! This is my first story and if you see any grammatical mistakes please tell me because English isn't my mother language...and I hope you enjoy it! PS: I feel like this story is a bit sarcastic

Isabella p.o.v:

Hello,I'm Isabella, I'm 16 years old and I have brown hair and grey eyes......I know booorriinggg!

Currently I am sitting on the bench outside our house because my parents and I had gotten into a fight AGAIN! Over something completely stupid.

My parents are always like this, they abuse me because they blame me over my sister's death, which she is and proud to say a complete bitch.....and her name is Jessica, she died last year when she was 19 years old.

She was at a party she lied to our parents, she said she was going to a "friend"s house and of course they made me go with her to protect her, anyway she made me stay outside the house or else she will tell our parents that I hooked up with a random guy( which isn't true!) But I didn't argue because they would believe her because she is 'honest' .

Tears were streaming down my face as I remembered the way my father abused me and my mother just stood there laughing at me when I told them about Jessica.

*flash back* when Jessica died

It's been almost five god damn hours! My legs are hurting from standing to wait for her to get out of that stinky house drunk of course, and I would cover up the fact that she was drunk and lying to our parents, and by the way if you're asking why I didn't sit down is because there is rats and creepy insects on the floor.

After 10 minutes I had enough and went looking for her inside, when I got in the smell of alcohol and sweat got in my nose.disgusting...

I searched for an hour when I found a room slightly opened , red liquid coming from underneath the door, I opened it only to find...MY SISTER'S BODY!!!!!!!!! I rushed towards it, she was stabbed almost 15 times all over her body! I know she was mean and cruel to me but she is and always will be my sister! I cried for 20 minutes until I got up from the floor and ran home (Jessica's boyfriend drove us here and now he is no where)

When I got home I slammed the door open with blood shot eyes, my parents jumped from my impact.

I was going to tell them about Jessica's stabbed body but I remembered that if I tell them that they will kill me for not protecting her and lying to them, so I told them:

"Mom, dad Jessica was trying to cross the street when a drunk guy h-hit h-her" I managed to say

"WHAT!!" They both yelled the same time.

"You little bitch!why didn't you sacrifice yourself for her!" My father shouted at me......wait what!!!!!

"Wha-" I was going to say something but then my father slapped me! I was in total shock that I didn't realize that he was going to kick me and when he did, All I could do is to cry...

The rest if the night was like a livin hell
*end of the flash back*

I realized that it was getting dark so I got up and went inside, I tried my best to get to my room without getting hurt or getting screamed at 'just keep walking and don't look at them' I kept repeating in my mind but of course it didn't work, my father pulled me by my hair, ow!it hurts!

"Why didn't you answer your fucking phone?!?" He shouted,the smell of whiskey from his mouth got to my nose, he was drunk again not a surprise....

"I forgot it in my room"I lied

"Bullshit!" My mother said while grabbing my phone from my pocket "see!she's a lying slut!" Then she smashed it on the floor,NO! I worked hard to pay for it!

"You fucking liar piece of shit!" He kicked me on my ribs and my mother snickered,then slapped me, my father threw me on the stairs"go to your room!" He yelled, I quietly walked to my room limping in process, I fell on my bed crying and then I fell asleep.

I woke up and looked at my clock '3:47 A.M' it read, I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to watch a movie on my laptop that I secretly bought and put on the movie peter pan,it always made me forget the awful memories and the pain.
*2 hours later*

It's been almost half an hour since the movie ended, I was looking at the moon imagining my life on Neverland, go right ahead and make a fun of me because I still believe in Neverland, and then about 5 minutes later I fell asleep again.


Author's note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll see you later!


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