Love Me Again

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If it's not for votes and plenty of comments, what's the point of me trying so hard to write and impress you all?


[Summary: Met with an accident, Nandini loses her recent memories and gets to know that Manik who is a handsome hunk is her husband. So, she decides to flirt with him to impress him and fall in love with him again.]


The doctors tell her that she was the unfortunate victim of a drunk driver's stupid life choices, and that although her body somehow suffered nothing more than mild scratches, chunks of her declarative memory are lost for the time being.

So basically, Nandini still knows how to do algebra and drive a car and all that fun stuff. She just can't remember anything after her last year of college.

Which, yeah, it sucks, and Nandini understands this even without analyzing too closely the expressions ranging from concern to fear to downright doom of the little group crowded around her hospital bed, the familiar faces of her parents and closest friends, older than she's used to.

It's just that if she's being honest here, Nandini's having a hard time feeling sad right now. 

She can't miss things she doesn't know she had in the first place, and the last she recalls of her life, she was stressed the fuck out. Doing a part-time job, sleeping less than five hours a day, pumping her abused body full of Red Bull to cram for a midterm—

Only to open her eyes and learn that she is thirty-one, exams haven't existed in her life for nearly a decade, and she's working her dream job as a web developer, like, what even??

Judging by the watch lying on the bedside table, she seems to be doing pretty damn good for herself, and a peek in the bathroom mirror earlier told her she was pretty, too.

Most importantly, though.

Oho ho. Indeed, Most. Importantly. The one thing that surpasses each of these reasons for her to embrace this new life:

Her apparent husband—that's right, her HUSBAND. Of EIGHT YEARS.

The man who married her, who Nandini tied down! For life!

Yes, He Who Must Not Be Named Out Of Fear Of Spontaneous Combustion On Nandini's Part—is the absolute, most stunning human specimen Nandini has laid eyes on in the entirety of her twenty-one years. Er, sorry, technically her thirty-one years (she doesn't remember all of it now, but obviously no one she's met throughout those lost years could possibly surpass that level of H O T anyways).


Nandini hit the motherfuckin' jackpot, people.

She has no idea what she did to land this scrumptious, captivating, majestic, Greek god-studmuffin, but she'd be an idiot if she didn't take full advantage of the present that tumbled into her lap.

Nandini is going to climb that man like a goddamn tree.

The first thing Nandini said when she woke up, seeing Manik Malhotra's worried face hovering over her (she was obviously joking about never saying his name because it would be a damn shame not to croon those three syllables in her mind with every breath she takes, every move she makes, a name as gorgeous as the man himself), was: "Oh god, an angel. I have died. I am dead."

At first, Manik simply laughed and rolled his eyes at his wife's usual silly remarks, but when Nandini continued to gaze up at him in awe and adoration, he seemed to realize the younger wasn't joking, and his face went white as a sheet.

MaNan : Love me again ♥️Where stories live. Discover now