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Hello my beautiful fellow armies, authors, readers, friends and everyone!!

I just came across something right now. As you all know that I am doing an interview of all my judges in my award book. Because no one else other than them can give us suggestions and guide us. They take out their precious time to read our books thoroughly and give reviews and suggestions.

I still remember those beautiful people who helped me when I was new here. And I can never forget them. Even if they're busy I try to ask them how they're and keeps an eye on how they're doing. It feels good to give them the love back which they gave me when I was a no one.

And now getting inspired by all those people who helped me I came up with my own award book. Only and only to help my fellow authors. The rules of my award book are also the same.

I have tried to see this that my judges get all the time they need and they're not pressured at all. Till now I even haven't asked any of my judges when will they give the results, first because I trust them. Second, I know how busy and tough life is. And I am blessed that all my judges and participants are such good, sweet, and humble people that I can never find them anywhere on this planet.

I am extremely thankful to each one of my beautiful participants for being so humble, sweet and nice.

I thank all my judges that they're so amazing, beautiful, helpful, and humble.

I thank all my sweet and cute friends for being there with me when I needed you. I just can't be there without you and your immense, out of this world support. I just can't be anything without my friends, you're my saviour.

I thank each one of you for being so cooperative with me being a novice at hosting things.

I know I have ranted my heart here but I needed to say this how thankful I am to each one of you and I don't want to disappoint any of you. I am getting emotional I guess.


I love you guys, thank you for being such beautiful souls and thank you for just being there with me. Your presence means a lot to me.

I love you, see you soon. Take care of yourself, everyone ❤


Just One Day ¶¶AWARD SHOW¶¶ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now