Chapter 45: No Second Chances

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Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year.

However, despite the absence of the dense summer heat that had plagued them for months, Dolohov still appeared distinctly uncomfortable, tugging at the sleeves of his robes as sweat clung to his brow.

"And you are sure this is the only way?" he said, his thin face sallow in the poor lighting of the room.

Caius heard his so-called leader's discomfort as easily as he could see it.


"Yes," Caius answered. "You are as aware as myself of the setback that has delayed our plans. Despite our promptings, Potter has not yet retrieved the Wand, and the wards placed upon it are as strong as ever."

Caius noticed the twitch of Dolohov's eye, the barely suppressed curl of his lip as he reflected upon the frustration.

"Why have you suddenly decided now is the time to strike?" Dolohov said. "You have insisted upon restraint for this long...what have you discovered that has changed your opinion?"

Caius gave Dolohov a rare smile.

"I have discovered much, Antonin."

It took little explanation to bring forth the avaricious gleam in Dolohov's eyes.

"This is news indeed," he said, drumming the tips of his fingers against the worn wooden table before him. "You have shown impressive foresight in this matter, and I apologize for any...impatience I have exhibited." A wide smile revealed crooked yellow teeth quite unlike Caius'. "Can you imagine the possibilities this entails?"

Caius gave no answer. He could, of course, imagine the possibilities quite vividly.

"All of this wasted time will be quite worth it if we succeed," Dolohov continued, careless of Caius' taciturn nature. "We'll need to proceed carefully, of course. One miscalculation could mean the end of all that we have worked for...but yes, I believe you are right. It's time we pay Mr. Potter a long-delayed visit."

He paused, leaning back in his chair and clasping his arms behind his head as he gazed upward contemplatively.

"I would imagine you've given some thought to the circumstances of our next encounter."

Dolohov fixed his dark eyes upon Caius, and Caius stared back, another thin-lipped smile on his lips.

"I might have a suggestion."


September 1, 2017

It seemed as if no time at all passed before it was time to return to King's Cross.

The bustle of the London streets outside of Hermione's flat compounded the flurry of activity caused as Rose bounded through the rooms, searching for any last-minute items to pack. Thanks to Hermione's efficiency the night before there was little left unaccounted for, and Hermione knew Rose's darting about had more to do with nervous anticipation than anything.

Hermione simply sat on the sofa as she observed her daughter, her limbs feeling abnormally heavy as melancholy settled into her heart. She was truly happy for Rose and the opportunities she would have at Hogwarts (what parent wouldn't be?), but that didn't mean she couldn't feel sorry for herself.

Rose's leaving for Hogwarts would add an unpleasant bump to the life Hermione had only recently settled into. Once her children had accepted the circumstances of her and Ron's separation, which had understandably taken some time, Rose and Hugo had been an undeniable comfort, her one constant in the turmoil her life had become. Hugo, being both younger and of a more easy-going temperament than his sister, had been confused at first. Rose, on the other hand, had been angry at the news, uncertainty causing her to continually place one or the other of her parents to blame, and her long bouts of surly muteness were rarely broken by anything but clipped remarks to direct questions. But kids are nothing if not adaptable, and a few months and many long (and often one-sided in Rose's case) conversations had eased them into the numerous adjustments to their lives.

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