01 | A Long Drive

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A thud was heard as the last bag of stuff was dumped into the big minivan. This was it, after so many weeks of preparation, they were finally going on their camping trip! Everyone was happy about it.


Maybe not everyone.

"Seriously, what's so cool about camping, anyway? You don't even get a real bed, you're sleeping on the floor!!" Four complained as he stormed out of the front door of the house, clearly upset. X was by his side, trying to make him feel better about the trip. "It'll be fun! You can share a tent with me, y'know. Would that make it a little better for you?" X offered, awaiting Four's response.
"I guess.. but if Two is gonna be in there too, I am not going!" Four pointed their finger at Two, who just stared at him. Five then stepped out of the door, and walked towards their minivan. "Don't worry, Two's with me. And no more complaining. You agreed to this trip," Five sounded slightly annoyed, and Two smiled at Five after confirming that they would be staying with them.

A few minutes passed, and soon, everyone had left the house and gotten into the vehicle. Six and Five started fighting over who got to drive, but Five wouldn't let him, as Six is known to be quite a dangerous driver. After about 3 minutes of the two fighting over who got to drive, Five eventually won. Six took a seat next to Seven and Nine, Four and X were sat next to each other, Eight and Ten were sat together, and Two sat in the passenger seat beside Five. "Is everyone ready to go?" Five asked, making sure no one had forgotten anything or something like that. Everyone replied with a loud 'yes', and then... they left.




"How much longer are we driving for?! It's been hours!!" Six was heard complaining in the back seat, and honestly, no one was surprised. Six was a very impatient person... and they hated long drives. They're the type of person to ask if they're at their destination every 5 minutes. "Can you just shut up for 10 minutes? I don't know when we're getting there!" Five said angrily. He was clearly sick of Six and his constant questions and complaints. Two was just sitting peacefully next to Five as he drove, looking out the window. "Uh... you aren't lost though, right?" Two asked with a slight bit of worry in their voice. Five didn't answer, and just stared ahead.


"We're lost, aren't we...?"


Six groaned in annoyance as he heard this, unhappy about the entire situation. "It's fine, though. We'll just... camp in the next forest we find," Five said to Two, trying to sound reassuring. It took a while to find another forest. After finding a road that goes straight through, they turned onto that road to go down it.

Four, who was sleeping for most of the ride, woke up. He looked around a bit, then out the window. There were trees... lots of them. It was all you could see. "This forest is pretty big..." they whispered to themself, staring deep into the trees. They continued to drive for a few more minutes, until the minivan ran out of fuel.

"Why'd we stop?" Six asked, confused.
"We, uh... ran out of fuel. I don't think we're anywhere near a place where we can get some, either," Five replied, a bit of annoyance in their voice. Six then got up and walked out of the vehicle, taking their stuff with them. "What are you doing?" Seven watched as they stepped out of the door. Six looked back at him. "I thought we were going to just... walk. Are we not doing that?". Everyone looked at each other. Five sighed, and got up too. "Alright, fine. Everyone, get your stuff, we'll just find somewhere to set up,".

About 30 minutes had passed, everyone was walking behind Two and Five. "Hey, why don't we go there? There should be enough space to set the tents up in that little space!" Ten pointed towards a small opening in the trees, revealing an area surrounded by trees. Everyone looked over at the area, waiting for Five's approval. "I guess... that could work," they said with a bit of hesitation. Everyone started to walk towards the area, everyone except Four. X looked back at them, and they were staring at the eerie darkness that creeped through the trees. He walked over to Four, and took his hand. "What're you looking at?" He asked, looking up at him. Four stopped staring at the darkness to look at X, and sighed. "I dunno, it just felt a bit strange here. I'm sure it's nothing, though," Four smiled and X, patting their head. "Let's catch up with everyone else!" The two of them walked towards everyone else in the little area.




It was late at night, everything had been set up and everyone was now sleeping in their tents. The sky was dotted with little, white lights, and the breeze felt cold, yet oddly comforting, which was a strange feeling to feel in a forest like this. As they all slept peacefully, they should have made the most of it. It would be the last peaceful sleep they would have for the rest of the trip...

Something's lurking in the shadows.


Not someone.


And it doesn't like trespassers.





[908 words excluding A/N]


I actually like the storyline that I'm going for here. It's gonna be like a practice for me, since I'm not all that great at writing horror stories or writing gore.

Idk what else to write here so that's it for now!!!!!! BYE BYE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

- Daisy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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