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 I carried on the day as usual receiving little hassle from Matt and his friends. But I still couldn’t get what happened with Dan in tutor off my mind. I wanted to know what had made him upset. He didn’t seem like the type ever cry. Who am I kidding he probably wasn’t even crying, I bet he was just allergic to something, and I was making this out to be some big deal when in actual fact it shouldn’t even matter to me if he was. I keep asking myself, why do I even care? This guy is nothing to me. Never has been. As far as I should see it, he’s a bully. I tried not to let myself think about him, and concentrate on my work. It worked for the rest of the lesson I was in. By the time the bell rang I felt satisfied with how much work I’d managed to get done.

I had a free period next so I headed to the common room to chill for a while. It was empty in there so I sat down, pulled out my book from my bag and started to read. After about 10 minutes I heard the door open and someone else walk in, I looked up from my book to see it was Dan. And yet again he looked like he’d been crying. What was going on? I wanted to ask him if he was okay but considering we’d probably said no more than five words to each other he’d probably find that a bit odd. He glanced over at me and I looked away quickly. I didn’t want to cause myself any unnecessary hassle with Matt and his friends.

“Sorry, about… you know Matt earlier.” I looked back up at him, he was looking around and behind him, probably making sure no one else was in here or listening. I was surprised. He’d never seemed all that bothered about anything Matt had done in the past so why was he apologising now?

“Oh yeah, er it’s okay.. you don’t need to apologise.” I told him, I felt kind of awkward. It was too silent in this room.

“Yeah but he’s always a dick to you, he’s not actually like that. He’s a really nice guy if you get to know him, I don’t know I guess he just likes all the attention. Even if it’s bad.” Oh. So he was trying to defend him now? Makes sense.

“Yeah well I don’t really think I’ll be getting to know him anytime soon.” I said honestly. Why was Dan even bothering to try and defend his ‘friend’.  

“Ah yeah I suppose, I just..” Dan trailed off not really knowing what else to say. I decided now was maybe an alright time to ask if he was okay, before I had the chance to stop myself I was already talking.

“You look kind of upset, are you okay?” I asked him. Instantly regretting it as his facial expression turned cold. He thought for a moment, he went to say something before stopping himself and shaking his head.

“Fine, I’m fine.” He snapped, and he was out the door.

I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. Whatever, who cares if he doesn’t want to talk about it, makes no difference to my life. I was only trying to be nice, clearly these people don’t know a nice person when they see one.

I heard the door re open and saw Hannah and Tracy walk in.

“Knew we’d find you here, Phil my wise old friend” Tracy aid walking over to me and sitting down. I just nodded, still in deep thought.

“Hey, what’s up with you?” Hannah asked, waving her hand in front of my face.

“Nothing, I’m good” I said. Clearly they didn’t believe me, but they left it as they could see I didn’t want to talk, they just carried on their own conversation.

“Hey Trace, did you see Dan Howell when we just walked pat him, he looked like he was about to break down” Hannah said not sounding all that worried. I didn’t blame her, she’d always had problems with Dan and his group of friends.

“Yeah, don’t know what his problem is.” Tracy replied. They carried on discussing the subject while I sat there in silence. We were soon interrupted by the bell going to signal last period. I jumped up and made my way to the door.

“See you later then Phil” Hannah called behind me. I looked round and smiled slightly.

“Yeah, see ya.” I went off to my last lesson.

The sound of the bell ringing for the end of the day knocked me out of my daydream. I gathered my things and left to make my way home.  When I got in I went straight to my room and turned on my laptop. I went on twitter and youtube for a while before opening facebook. I rarely went on facebook but checked it occasionally in case someone had messaged me or something. I was looking through and in a matter of minutes I found myself on Dan’s page. I was looking through all his posts and pictures, I all of a sudden realised what I was doing and quickly closed the tabs shutting my laptop down. What was wrong with me? why did I suddenly care so much about this guy?! I can’t explain it. Nothing was making sense anymore. 

Sorry if you're finding it a bit boring at the moment, it will get more interesting soon.. please leave comments and tell me what you think! thanks.

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