Part 32

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Alessandra's POV - 

"Alessandra," my mother let out walking in and opening the blinds. 

I looked up and sighed. 

"Alessandra, Harry has been up since 9, it's noon let's go." She let out. 

I sighed and got out of the bed and looked at my tangled up hair.

I walked to the bathroom and tamed my hair and brushed my teeth. 

I walked down the stairs and sat beside him on the couch. 

He kissed me, "happy anniversary," He said getting up. 

"Your breakfast has been ready for a while," He said grabbing me hand and bringing me to the kitchen. 

There sat my plate of food and a present and a card. 

I smiled and sat down.

The food was cold and a little funny tasting but I scarfed it down anyways so that he wouldn't feel bad.

"Open it," he smiled at me. 

I opened the card and it was beautiful. 

I smiled at him and kissed him. 

"Open that," he let out. 

I opened it and there sat the Coach Madison Leather Carrie I had been wanting for forever. 

I looked up at him almost crying. 

"Thank you so much, you shouldn't have." I let out kissing him.

"Open it," He said.

I looked at him.

"You shouldn't have gotten anything else," I said as I opened it and there was a long box in there.

I opened it and it was two bracelets.

One from Tiffanys and one from Swarovski.

They were beautiful.

I smiled and kissed him.

I went upstairs and grabbed the box of stuff I had gotten him that I knew he wanted.

I had gotten him a g-shock watch and a few odds and ends he had said he wanted.

He smiled.

"I'm sorry, I feel bad it's nothing huge," i said looking up at him.

"I love it," he said kissing me.

I smiled at him.

"Let's get ready and go out." He whispered as he walked away.

I went up behind him and grabbed my stuff and went to my mom's room to use her shower and bathroom.

About two hours later, I was finishing my hair when I heard my mom's door open.

"How long does it take to get ready," He sighed.

"I'm a girl," i let out.

He smiled, "You look beautiful," He let out.

I smiled. "I'm almost done just let me fix my hair," I said bobby pinning my hair in place

I turned, "Ready," I let out.

He smiled and kissed me and it was about 6.

We got to the restaurant and ate then we went to this park and sat around for a little while.

We talked and laughed about stupid stuff then he said, "I love you."

I looked over at him, "I love you too," I smiled as I kissed him.

Jessie's POV -

I awoke around 8.

I looked over and Louis was getting up too.  

 "Morning," I whispered to him. 

"Morning," he smiled at me. 

I got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

We sat around his apartment for a while and then we took a nap together. 

We woke back up around 4.

"Wanna start getting ready?" He asked. 

I nodded smiling. 

I was about 6.

I got ready and met him in the living room. 

"Let's go," He said smiling. 

We went out to eat and then we went to his car. 

We pulled up to a cliff nearby. 

It must have been 3 am, we had spent 4 hours driving here.  

I looked at him, "What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Watching the sun rise," He let out. 

I smiled at him. 

"It doesn't rise for another two hours," I said.

"That's why we have snacks!" he let out grabbing a huge bag from the back.

I laughed, "What do you have in there?" I let out grabbing the bag to open it. 

There were chips, candy, and drinks. 

I smiled at him, he said, "Eat," 

I took a handfull of skittles and began popping them in my mouth. 

We talked about a lot. 

He smiled at me at one point and said, "You're so beautiful," 

I kissed him. 

He grabbed a blanket from the back and went and laid it out on the ground. 

"Come on the sun is going to rise in a few," He said. 

I took the bag of junk and walked over to him. 

"Here," He said. 

It was a little bag. 

I opened it and saw a little box. 

I opened it and it was a beautiful promise ring. 

I smiled at him, "It's gorgeous," i said kissing him. 

He deepened the kiss and we laid there waiting for the sun to come up. 

"I love you," I said while his arms were wrapped around me.

The sky began turning an orangy color and there was a point where the orange met with the ppurple. 

"I love you too," He said kissing my forehead. We sat up and watched the sun come up. 

"Thanks for one of the best nights of my life," I let out in a whisper to him. 

He smiled and said, "Thank you for the best year of my life," 

I kissed him and we got ready to leave. 

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