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                Summer's POV

Todays I was chilling with Karin since jay had practice and a bunch of promo meetings all day

Karin: "how'd you like the game?"

"It was boring." I Shrugged

Karin: "boring?! All them fine ass guys on the team and you didn't see not one worth watching?"

"Number 25 was okay..not worth my time though" I shrugged again

Karin: "I thought you had a thing for basketball players"

"What gave that impression?"

Karin: "your infatuation with jay"

I rolled my eyes

"I think He's a attractive but then again I'm biased because we're friends"

Karin: "he's practically your man"

"I don't think so. I just think people aren't used to seeing a man and a woman be friends with no strings attached"

Karin: "so you wouldn't mind if I talked to him?"

"No but I'm warning you right now that if you have any feelings for him..don't tell him"

Karin: "sounds like you mind"

"I don't; I just know Jayson. It's takes him a while to-"

Karin: "call him"


Karin: "call him and ask him how he feels about me"

"He's busy"

Karin: "but he always makes time for you"

I just sighed and called him

Jayson: "hey! I was just about to call you" he laughed as he answered the phone

"You finished practice and the promos already?!"

Jayson: "practice just ended and I got 3 hours to kill before I gotta head to the production studio for pictures. I was about to see what you got goin on"

"chilling with Karin"

Jayson: "cool, you home?"


Jayson: "Imma head home and grab my change of clothes then swing by"

"Sounds good"

Jayson: "cool, I'll see you in like 20"

"Wait! I called to ask you something"

Jayson: "shoot"

"Long story short I was talking to karin and you came up"

Jayson: "uh okay..."

"Shes really feeling you and-"

Jayson: "it's a no from me dawg" he laughed

"Jay!" I said as I held in my laughter

Jayson: "I love Karin but like a cousin..yeah a real distant cousin..the kind you only see on holidays"

"Would you consider it?"

Jayson: "consider what?"

"Taking her out on like 1 date"

Jayson: "no"


Jayson: "you wanna go on a fake date sure but I'm not taking Karin anywhere"

"Why not"

Jayson: "why you tryna pawn me off?"

"I'm Not. I just wanna see you happy"

The Way Life Goes~ a Lamelo ball love storyWhere stories live. Discover now