She used to be mine

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Hades x Reader


The king of the Netherworld have plan to visit Valhalla for the upcoming discussion that involved the human race. As he walk through the halls to find the door on which the council is being held; he, unintentionally opened the wrong door that he thought was right.

The door opened to reveal a room full of beautiful painting and statue's that looked like it's been crafted by the finest marbles in the Netherworld. He was about to turn around and continue to his previous intention, a voice called after him "m-mister! Do you want to b-buy one of these?" A petite feminine voice echoed throughout the room. Hades turned around. The female was panting and out of breath, after she caught her breath she asked him again in a much more professional tone "apologies sir, does any of the art caught your attention?". Hades who does not want to appear rude he politely asked her for the best creation. Surprised, the female smiled happily and enthusiastically lead him further in the room and opened another door.


As they entered Hades' breath hitched upon seeing her. The Goddess who he love the most, the Goddess of Prosperity. The moment their eyes met the Goddess froze the only sentence that jumbled in her thoughts is 'why in the name of Gaia is he here?!'. Hades stepped forward wanting to say something, however before he can start he's cut of by the Goddess herself "Echo, you're excused" the female who's now known as Echo bowed her head politely before leaving shutting the door close. The room fell silent until Hades blurted out the most awkwardest question he could think of "are you alright now [Name]?"

The room now has more awkward tension going around [Name] was debating if he has lose screws, out of all the question he could ask that is the question that comes out of his mouth.

Hades realizing what he just said cursed mentally at himself for being stupid "I'm alright, no need to feret" she said as she turned around "ask Echo if you want to buy any of the art piece" she glanced at him before turning her heel, ready to leave "hold on a minute [Name]" Hades reach out to her "yes" she replied as she faced him "I wanted to apologize to you [Name], what I did was very horrible" she didn't say anything but look at him dead in the eyes. "No need to apologize what happened already happened in the past" she uttered breaking the tension around them.

"Now if you excuse me, I have an errand to fulfill" she said, itching to leave the room as soon as possible "alright, I suppose I'll see you around then" he mutters. She looked at him with mixed emotions before nodding her head and shutting the door, leaving him alone.

There will be a prequel and sequel in this oneshot the same as ‘The first wife he loved’

Don't and DON'T ever ask me for updates, I'll update this oneshot if I want to. Keep in mind that I have a life too, just like you. Writing stories are simply a hobby of mine and I appreciate if you'll wait until I update again.

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