Part 17:am i alive?

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You woke up hearing beeping machines all around u tryed to get up but u we're strapped down you Hurd a voice next to you and out the corner of your eye u saw Judd Judd: omg yn ur awake I'll go get the doctor. Yn:get the fuck away from me Judd.... Judd: look yn im sorry Ik that that looked bad but.... Yn: YoUR THE LAST PERSON I WANNA SEE GET OUR AND STAY ThE FUCK AWAY
U see judd drop in disappointment he looked scared like he was scaring you Judd left the room giving u one last sentence....I love u.. soon after a doctor came in and explained they want u to say in a rehabilitation centre for 6 months and you didn't even get the option to say no and you have now been in there for 2 months and all ur therapists were talking about giving Judd a chance to explain then another 4 months later they released you and outside u saw Judd holding some flowers and for once u wanted him again u ran and hugged him and you felt safe again u told judd you needed to talk he took you back to his car we're he asked if he could explain first Judd: ok so that girl was actually my cousin and she's always had sorta a crush on me but I think it's kinda weird and my dad brought u up in a family dinner and she got rly mad like u could tell and so she started asking to take pictures constantly and she sent me one and said I should post it and tag her but ig it was just bc she wanted u to find her so she could post more stuff to break us up and if u look rly closely in the picture we're not holding hands she's putting a towel behind me and the kissing one she photo shopped it and I yelled at her for it bc I didn't even see it and then he started showing u the different pictures

 soon after a doctor came in and explained they want u to say in a rehabilitation centre for 6 months and you didn't even get the option to say no and you have now been in there for 2 months and all ur therapists were talking about giving Judd a c...

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And then it all started to make sense You felt a tear drop down your face yn:I'm

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And then it all started to make sense
You felt a tear drop down your face yn:I'm..sorryyy...judddd u said shacking he pulled u in and said that it's rly hard to hug u when ur across the seat so he pulled u onto his lap and I hugged for a bit and then he pulled away and looked right in your eyes and said "baby girl...I would never cheat on you ever ok bc I love you and I don't need some other ugly girl when I have the most beautiful girl In the world on my lap rn" u giggled knowing that he's saying that while you have mascara running down ur face sobbing ur eyes out "and even if we were in the biggest argument Idc if u need help u come to me baby" he then grabbed your wrists and ran his fingers your arms with all your scars "I hate myself for doing this to you and I never want to see this again I'm serious baby it makes me sick knowing I hurt u like this" u guys cuddled for a bit longer and then he took u to get ur favourite take out and u sat in his car boot parked on top of a hill looking at the stars eating your favourite food and for the first time in 7 months you felt perfectly safe

An: it's 4 am your welcome

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