Round 2.1 : John's Train

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There was once a toy train named Chug.

Chug was a beautiful steam train with shiny, red paint, a horn that lets out a really loud whistle, and big, round wheels. He sat on a long, metal track that had stop signs, trees, and even a station!

But, one day, Chug simply stopped working. He just lost steam. So, he sat in a corner and slowly gathered dust. His whistle muted and his wheels lost their shine.

Chug would have been broken and tossed if he had not been saved by his young hero.

I am Chug.

Would you like to hear my story?

John, a 10-year old boy, was my owner. He once saw me at a window display and asked his Father to buy me. I went home that day held in my proud owner's arms.

I was really happy because John spent all afternoons with me. He would be so busy running me up and down the metal tracks. I would pass by all the stop signs, pick my cargo from the station, blow my whistle, and chug my round wheels endlessly.

John was excited pulling all my levers and gears and seeing the steam come out of my smoke stacks.

"Chug," he would say to me in his lilting voice, "Where do we go today? Maybe pick up some supplies from the mountains? I always like to go on long train rides."

I wished John would play for a long time with no care in the world!

One day, a Secretary came and told John that his Father was sent by his company overseas. And, that John's Father would not be coming home for a long while.

I saw John become quiet and sad. He now spends his afternoons sitting by the window and looking over the gate. I know that he was waiting for his Father to come home.

He used to look at me while he waited, but no longer. He had stopped coming over to even sit beside me.

I decided that I will wait for John. Surely, his Father will come home and then John would be that happy boy again playing with me, his favorite toy train!

But, it has been several months now. Dust has gathered on me and all over the tracks.

I wanted to call out to John but was only able to make a small plume of steam come out.

I could feel my levers and gears rusting, parts slowly breaking down.

"Would you like to give that toy train away? Your Father may not want to see it lying around when he comes home," the Secretary came in and asked John.

Hearing the words, I tried to move my parts in alarm. Please, John, do not give me away!

I saw John sit up in surprise. The Secretary seemed to have said some magic words because John stood up, suddenly galvanized.

"No," I heard my owner's voice sound strong for the first time in many months. "Chug is a gift from my Father. I will not throw or give him away."

Then, my metal parts hummed with joy as I saw John run towards me.

Steam billowed out of my smoke stacks as I chugged along the tracks. John was happily sitting beside me as he watched me run. He still waits for his Father, but no longer lonely, as he has me to spend time with.

John has saved me. And my hope is that, I too, have saved him.

From Chug - John's loyal, toy train.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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