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"Tell me how this deal came about where grace promised you her youngest triplet daughter for what, a drug addiction."

" Mr. Don, grace was my sister, and the three girls are my nieces, all I wanted was to keep them safe and away from my sister. No one ever knew she was a mafia princess as our father disowned her, when he found out about her drug addiction years ago."  The Irish man explained to the mafia King.

"Aa, that's good. I was close to threatening you to leave Jennie and her sisters alone as they are under my protection and will be a part of my family soon enough."

"Jennie will be marrying my son when the time comes as they are just in the state of  the beginning stages of courting." Don explained to the man, as they discussed business the rest of the night.

After a few hours they came to an agreement that the three girls will know about their uncle in time and when that time comes, they will understand why their father and uncle had to do what was right and keep them safe.

The next few weeks flew by, and Jennie was ecstatic when her tae was coming home.

She was at home with her two sisters, as they were packing her things to move into the penthouse that she will be sharing with taehyung. As papa Don, gave it to them as a gift.

The three girls enjoyed their time together, fooling around and being sisters, when there was a loud knock on the door.

All three girls looked at each other before Lisa went to check in the peep hole to see who it could have been.

She became a little confused as there was no one there, she quickly pulled her phone out and sent a text message to the girls to grab their small bags as something was wrong.

Jennie quickly grabbed her phone and rose making her way quietly towards the bathroom, where the back stairs were to lead them into the alleyway.

Lisa followed behind them and the three girls quickly climbed out of the bathroom with their bags on their backs, taking the stairs one at a time till they reached the alleyway.

Lisa took her sisters hands as they silently took off down the alleyway and towards the busy streets of their neighborhood.

The sisters ran to the bus stop and got on sitting by each other, heading towards Jennie's place of business where she knew they would be safe.

"Lily, we need to get off at my work. I know we will be safe there."  Jennie told her sisters, as three of them got off and ran towards the front entrance of the night club.

Jennie hung up the call as she left Abel a message as they walked in holding each other as she kept her eyes scanning around the place.

The VIP lounge was getting ready to set up for the evening, when Ric saw the three girls huddled together looking frightened and terrified.

He ran over to them, helping them to sit down when Jennie explained everything to him about the weird knock they had received, and how they ran out with their already packed bags and came all the way here.

Ric told the three girls to stay and that he will be right back after making a phone call to Don.

Jennie helped rose to take a sip of water, as she was feeling calm now knowing they'll be safe.

The moment her eyes landed on her tae, she quickly got up and ran to him throwing herself at him as he caught her in his arms holding her to his body.

"Woah, babygirl. Missed me that much?" Taehyung chuckled out, swinging her in circles, hearing her sweet laughter, as they shared a quick kiss.

"You have no idea." She giggled out, clinging to him with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his broad shoulders.

He placed his hands under her ass holding her to him as they took a seat with her two sisters.

Jennie laid her head on his shoulder feeling the safety of his strong arms, as Lisa explained to him what happened and what was going on.

Taehyung was feeling protective of the three girls seeing the other two as his little sisters, due to them becoming family soon.

"Did you see anything out of the ordinary?"  He asked Lisa, who shook her head as no, looking paler than she should be.

Rose was silent and looked to be scared more so than the other two as she was only thinking about who could be after them, and if it were her stalker and if he had found her.

They left Ireland when mother mary threw them out after they aged out of the system, they moved to Korea to start fresh and to hide away from her stalker that has been sending her threats to harm her sisters and anyone who got close to her, that was the reason they left Ireland.

"Tae, where are Jimin and jungkook?"  Jennie softly asked him, kissing his cheek a few times with an innocent, mischievous look in her eyes.

Taehyung deeply chuckled, placing a kiss on her head, as he told her they were around here somewhere. "They are coming right over, baby. Along with Abel." Jennie sat up straight and got off from taehyung, smiling brightly when she saw Abel briskly walking over to them in a hurry.

"Baby sister, are you alright?" Abel worriedly said, as he scooped her up in his arms smirking at his little brother who was staring at him and shaking his head.

"I'm alright, Abel. But I think Rosie's stalker is back, and he came home for us." Jennie softly told them as the other two brothers stood there frozen in place to see the two girls that have been on their minds for a while now.

Jimin was the first to shake out his thoughts when he noticed his little chipmunk was sniffing into her sister's shoulder looking very pale.

Without thinking twice, he quickly walked over and kneeled before taking her into his arms, cooing comforting words into her ears as he stood up with her in his arms, taking a seat next to the other sister.

He situated his chipmunk on his lap, letting her curl up against his larger muscular frame, whispering encouraging words to help her calm down.

Lisa watched, surprised to see another face identical to the man she met a while ago at work.

Her mind was going a mile in a minute, thinking about how the similarities they have and yet,  when her eyes connected with the pair of dark eyes that kept appearing in her dreams for weeks now.

Her eyes widened slightly going from one brother to the next and then when Jennie and Taehyung came over, she was stunned to find out how stupid she was when they were three identical brothers.

The only difference was her man has long shoulder length hair, held back at the base of his nape, and Taehyung had long messy hair that held back into a half ponytail, and the last one with Rose had messy curly, short hair.

They all had dark eyes, sharp aristocratic facial features, almond shape dark eyes with long eyelashes and cheek bones with full lips, and they were all the same size, and well built to fit muscular physiques.

"Why did I not see it before."  Lisa whispered underneath her breath, surprised written on her face as she watched either of her sisters sit with their chosen men happily.

"Hey!" Lisa jumped when she heard a deep voice next to her, and she turned her head to see the third male triplet now sitting next to her with his arm resting behind her chair above her shoulders.

"Well, hello to you too." She said softly, eyeing him carefully not sure whether she should trust him or not.


-Lyxn... 🌟

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