Chapter 11: The Alien Invasion. "The Unparalleled Peril"

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Somewhere at the cold mountains, there was an underground cave that has a frozen gigantic creature in it. Then it opened its eyes, it was glowing red. And then it was finally awakened from a very, very long year sleep. It was now walking around near the cold mountains.

"Long have I awaited this moment, human filth. With the Subterranean, Lobster, and Deep Sea King gone, the Terror Lizard Clan can at last reclaim rulership of Earth!" Said the gigantic lizard monster while walking around near the cold mountains.


Then suddenly, missiles were firing at the monster, it was deployed by the Hero Association, but it had no effect on the monster. It didn't notice a vehicle below it that observed its movements.

"Now leading target towards point bravo." Said the man inside of the military vehicle.

"Roger." Said another man flying an aircraft responded to the man in the military vehicle.

"We are inbound and on schedule. We'll be on top of bravo shortly." Said the male glasses HA executive sitting inside of the pilot's cockpit on the back.

While inside of the aircraft, there was a girl wearing winter clothing, and suddenly the launchpad of the aircraft opened as the girl falls off and takes it off to reveal a certain green curly hair dwarf woman.

Tornado flew towards the gigantic lizard monster and landed Infront of the Ancient King with an annoyed look.

"And who are you?" Said The Ancient King asked Tornado as she suddenly receives a phone call from The Hero Association Infront of the lizard monster.

"Hello?" She replied first of the phone call. "What is it?" She asked. "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'COME BACK'?!" She yelled in anger annoyance. "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SAID SOME WEIRDO MONSTER WAS WAKING UP AND FLEW ME HERE!!!" She continued to yell in anger.

"Listen up! I am the Ancient King! As ruler of dinosaurs who once rules this planet, I stand above all other lifeforms!" Said the Ancient King.

"IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM!!!" Said Tornado still yelling in anger of the phone calls she's having. "HEY, SHUT IT!! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M ON THE PHONE HERE?!" She yelled at the monster in annoyance as she hangs up on the phone. "I'm so tired of this, who does he think he is? Ordering people around?" She complained as the monster gets closer to her.

"Are you done?" The lizard monster asked.

"What's with the chin? Trying to be scary? Should I be intimidated?" She said in a sarcastic way.

"Act brave while you still can, tiny human." The lizard monster mocked Tornado in her size.

"TINY?! HOW DARE YOU!!!" She yelled in anger as the monster was about to stomp her, but she was suddenly right behind the lizard monster, levitating in the air.

"Ah, so you aren't helpless! But if you intend to destroy me, a giant meteor is about the only way." The lizard monster explained on how it's going to be destroyed.

"Fine. I'll do that then." Said Tornado. 'Hmph. Idiot. Telling the way to kill you.' She thought.

"Don't make me laugh." The monster said as it was about to charge a blast from it's mouth, but he stopped as a meteor came down from space and gets obliterated instantly.

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