Chapter 9

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"Where it begins"


"Look like you figure out, who I am"

He said and smile at you. You trembling, even this is just a dream or that girl memories it still scared you somehow, you try to run but he held your hand tight and you can't use your ability because he's already nullified it.

Just then you heard a foot step behind you when you turn around, it's was Mori. He saw you and smile at you then say

"So you were here... Too bad seem like you have no where to run now"

"What did you do to them"

You reply, glare at him.

"Them? Who are you referring to... Your sister?... Or your father?"

He move to the side showing your unconscious sister and your father. You look at them then look at Mori. While Dazia still remains by your side holding your hand so you don't get to use your ability.

"What do you want?"

You ask. Hearing your words Mori smile and reply.

"You really smart than your father and sister... Well then... If you ask... I want you to choose, between your father and sister you can only choose one."
He smile.

"Is this a game to you? Toying with someone's life?"

"Well.. if you prefer it as a game then it is a game.. but if you don't want to care about this family of yours then you're free to leave this house."

You look at your sister and your father then you let out a sigh.

"I will choose but on one condition"

"Oh? I'm all ears"

"You have to make sure that both of us can get out of here safety"


Mori replies and smiles at you then he gives a gun to you.

"Just as I said, you can only choose one and you can shoot the other one, that you don't need"

He look at you as you take the gun from his hand, you walk towards both your sister and father.

At the same time your father got his consciousness back and saw you walk twords him with a gun. It's clearly that you will choose your sister over your father because after all it's clear that who is really care about you.

"Y/N! My daughter! What are you doing! Have you lost your mind! And have you forgot who really care about you the most!"

You father trying to step away from you.

"Father, what are you doing? Didn't you just call me an ungrateful thing and now you say that you care about me... Father this is your last chance... If you answer me honestly.. I will rethink my choice..."

"I will! I will answer it! Truthfully!"

"Then... Father, do you regret about everything that you have done to me and my sister?"
You look at your father in the eyes.

"Why! Don't you understand! I did everything because I want good for both of you and your sister is this how you pay me back! I give both of you food! A good clothes! And a good place to stay! Is this not enough!"

You frown and sigh then raise your gun up and point at his leg.


Your father leg is bleeding as he looks at you in anger.

"How dare you do this to me!"
He screams at you as his leg is bleeding in pain.

"Good? You say?... Father... Don't you realize? You never treat both of us as your daughter before but as your puppet... A puppet on a string, you said you did this to me for my own good but... This good thing you say... I'm so sick of every single minute of it, you let me study in my room everyday until my nose bleed even fell sick almost dead you don't care at all, I learn everything you want me to even if I hate it. Now it's time for you to do me a little favor"

You walk towards him as he trying to back aways from you and begging you to forgive him.

"Y/N this father sorry! I'm never do it again! Please forgive me Y/N!"

"Too late."
You reply him coldly and point your gun at his head.

"Good bye, father"


The blood splits on your face as you turn around from his dead body.
Throwing your gun away, you rush to your sister's unconscious body and hug her then you turn to look at Mori, who watching the whole scene mesmerized and Dazai smile stands beside Mori.

"Now, it's your turn"

"Yes, I will but... You have to come with me and join the Port mafia and you will be able to survive"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"But if you don't do that you might get out of here alive but can both of you be able to survive after that?"


"You think the pm come here and end every single life here just for fun?"
He looks at you then laughs.

"You really don't know, your father know the pm secret that why we here to clear thing up and if they know both of you are alive they will kill both of you, even if you told them that you don't know anything, they still gonna kill both of you anyway but if you do as I say, I will make sure both of you is alive and well".

He looks at you with a smile waiting for your answer. You don't know what he said is right, you can't run forever after thinking for a bit you lay your sister down and stand up and look at him.

"I'm agree, but you have to promise me that you will have to accept my offer, when the time comes"
He smile.

"Deal, well then I will let the man clear things up here"

He turn around and walk toward a group of people from pm. Dazia who's still watching the whole situation in silence finally says something.

"Do you think you make a right decision?"
He asks you as he walks towards you, he takes off his black coat and puts it on you.

"I don't know... There's no other choice... After all if I mess up I will die..."

After you finish talking you pass out as you fall Dazia able to pull you towards him and hold you close to his chest.

"Hm... Seem like we might see each other more often then."
He smiles.

When you open your eyes again you found yourself in a new unfamiliar room and that's when your life in the pm begin.

(Sorry for late update 🙏🏻 because I'm a little busy with my study and the next chapter we will talking about the present time and we will get into the main story line after some plot that I have been papering for it😊 and do you guy ready for bsd new episode tonight? I'm really excited for it right now ☺️
Thank you for reading and have a great dream tonight💗😊)

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