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Alfred was dancing around the kitchen, getting ingredients and supplies he needs to make his Chicken'n'Dumpling's. Matthew just watched him amused. He loved watching his brother cook. It was actually quite entertaining. He always played Electro Swing when he did.

Alfred felt good right now, dancing and cooking. He felt at home, where he didn't have to worry about anything. And he needed to get his mind of Arthur and Francis. He hoped the other nations liked his cooking, he had never cooked for anyone other than Matthew before. He wanted to impress Arthur, then maybe- he shook his head. 'No don't think about him, he doesn't love you and he never will.' He concentrated on the music as he made the food.

20 minutes later dinner was done.

"Dude, mind helping me get the food to the meeting room?" Alfred asked.

"Sure." Matthew says, going off to find a cart or two. He came back with a large cart to carry the food to the meeting room.

"Thanks bro." Alfred says.

They get to work on moving the large pot of food onto the cart. The oven beeped and Alfred went over and pulled out the cornbread and biscuits. He set them on the bottom of the cart with the plates and silverware.

"Alright, lets go." Al said pushing the cart towards the door.

Matthew pushed open the door so his brother could get through. Together they made it to the meeting room. Matthew got the door again and Alfred pushed it in. Instantly the nations' heads jerked up from the smell of the food.

"Smells good Al." Francis said.

"It does aru." Yao agrees.

Alfred smiled and told them to line up. Matt handed them each a plate and fork and Alfred dished out the food. The nations picked weather they wanted a biscuit or cornbread. After everyone had their food Al and Matt got theirs and sat down. Al looked around waiting for someone to say something. Everyone tried it. After a second everyone's face lit up.

"This is really good Alfred~" Feli praised, Kiku nodded from beside his friend.

"Da, it is." Ivan said.

"Wow, would never have expected it from a nation that loves fast food so much." Arthur said.

Alfred tried not to let his wince show, but Matt must had noticed because he frowned and turned to him. "Thanks Artie."

Really he didn't like fast food at all. The other nations gave their praise and they continued eating. Alfred was worried that his secret was gonna come out soon. And as much as he didn't want that to happen he knew it would.

After the meal was done, Alfred gathered all the plates and took everything back to the kitchen. Matthew watched on with worry. He had seen that wince before. A few minutes later Alfred came back. Matt looked at him and noticed that he looked a little pale and shaky.

Alfred sat down and said "Alright who's reading next?"

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