Spanish harlem

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Alissa lay in herbed that morning thinking, well that was before a tall annoyed looking woman walked in.

A woman guard who Alissa like very much named Fischer walked in and turned too her. "Martinez you got assigned a job and a bed!"

"Yaaaaa!"alissa did a mock cheer, gathered her things and put them in her bag "ill see you later ladies" she waved to soso demarco and miss rosa. Vee wasn't been around.

Martinez trailed after the guard and swung her bag over her shoulder "you're in Spanish Harlem which is weird because well...there's no other white people"

Alissa shrugged "that's fine i have friends there" she said with a smile on her face. Fischer directs her to the cell block and to the cube of the one and only gloria Mendoza. Said woman looked up at the co and then the sheepish looking Alissa. The rest of Spanish Harlem was silent waiting to hear mendozas reaction. "Es casi como si me estuvieras siguiendo" Mendoza stated watching to see the girls reaction.

(It's almost like your following me)

Martinez grinned "tú me conoces , perrito perdido"

(You know me, lost puppy)

Mendoza laughed, the silent harlem became relaxed once more. When the guard left Mendoza stood up "chicas esta es martinez no la intimiden mucho ya que es una amiga"

(Girls this is Martinez do not intimidate her too much as she's a friend)

Everyone visibly relaxed and Alissa began to make her bed the way demarco showed her, once she finished she threw herself on it. Mendoza sat up and looked over to the girl "trabajas en la cocina con nosotros"

(You work in the kitchen with us)

Martinez groaned just at the thought of working. Surely she wouldn't have to work considering she was locked up, then again, she got bored easily. "Eres un conductor esclavo"

(Your a slave driver)

Mendoza rolled her eyes and an evil smirk grew on her face "quieres que sea yo?"

(Do you want me to be?")

Martinez looked at her and shook her her head quickly "no no no thank you"

Mendoza had a victorious grin on her face "that's what i thought"

Alissa closed her eyes as her head hit the pillow. It was relaxing in there. No noise of soso crying a over her, de Marcos machine wasn't making humming noises. There was the faint sound of voices and humming of lights but as Martinez relaxed her blinking slowed and she fell into darkness.

Alissa woke up blinking rapidly. There was hardly anyone in the cell block. She hadn't even remembered falling asleep, she hadn't even dreamt as far as she was aware.she had a pounding headache and she sat up wondering what time it was as she rubbed her head.

She needed a drink as well so maybe she was just dehydrated. She dragged herself out of bed and sluggish made her way towards the canteen. When she got there she poured herself a Cup of water and gulped it down quickly.

"Hello sleeping beauty!" Ruiz called out after catching sight of the girl.

"Sorry sorry I don't remember falling asleep. Where can i help?" The girl asked a sheepish smile making its way to her lips.

"Gloria just went out the back go ask her" Ruiz told her giving her a small smile.

Alissa nodded and bounced her way out the back and after not seeing gloria at first she took a few more steps out to see her sitting with another woman she hadn't met before taking cigarettes out of a pack. "Y aquí pensé que eras una ciudadana respetuosa de la ley." the girl said hushed so no one would her them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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