Chapter 1: The Proposal

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The future (this takes place after the book series):

"Don't make me tell mom!"

"What? That I took the last blue pancake? I'm so scared!"

"No. I saw you sneaking out last night. I bet you were going off to see that girl you like, Annabel?"

"First off, it's Annabeth. And second off, why do you think mom would even care? Annabeth saved my life so many times; she is the reason that I'm alive, and that you even have a big brother. Mom loves her."

"Then why did you sneak out? If Mom loves her so much, why were you being secretive about seeing her?" Questioned Estelle.

"Because I was going to propose, and I knew that if Mom knew, she would get excited and accidentally tell Annabeth, ruining the surprise," replied Percy.

"Now leave me alone or I'm gonna be late. And trust me when I say, you don't want to feel the wrath of Athena. It was hard enough to convince her to let me have a chance with her daughter, so if I mess up, it's all over. Everything I've worked hard for will have been all for nothing because of you."

"Well, you're the one who's been going on a rant. You're making yourself late," Estelle muttered to herself as Percy fled the scene of confrontation.

- - -

Author's Note: I need a Beta and/or someone to help me write and come up with ideas because I really want to finish this story. I just don't know how to. My creativity has been lacking recently. Please comment any suggestions.

Also, anyone have tips for how to get a higher word count?

~Rose 🌹

Word Count: 279

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