Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up in a bed. Not something that happens really. I started freaking out and screaming. A nurse or i think it was a nurse came in. She said, "Honey calm down, your in a hospital relax." i stopped screaming a started asking questions. "Where am I?" "Why am I here?" "Who brought me here?" before i could ask another question 5 boys walk in my room. Wait I've seen these boys before, but where? Oh My God, they're One Direction.

I wake up to 2 boys in my room sleeping. I must have fainted. Wait, that's Harry and that's ugh who is it. "Damnit!" I yell. Oh crap I woke them up. I prepared myself for the beating I'll get, but wait why aren't they mad? They look almost relieved and happy. Why I woke them up? Mom always hit me when I woke her up. Oh God my Mom she's probably out there trying to find me. Oh well at least I'm away from her for now.

A cough broke me out of my deep thoughts. I looked up and saw all 5 boys smiling at me. I say the first thing that comes to my head, "Thank You."  They then looked at me confused. "Huh," one of them says, I think it's Louis? Someone coughs again and they scratch their necks and kinda look like they don't know what to say. I probably look the same way. Why did they save me? They don't even know me. Either way I'm happy they did.

A boy with brown, floppy hair and beautiful blue eyes comes towards me and sits on the bed. I immidately flinch and back as far away as I can. This isn't very away considering I'm attached to tubes and crap and I'm also in a hospital bed. He backs away and in his eyes there's an emotion I don't know what it is, but I think it's hurt. I instintly feel guilty I have a feeling he saved me. I guess I'm only used to being hit and raped, except these boys don't look like they would hurt me.

I look up and only the one boy is in my room. I didn't see or hear the other boys leave, but I was greatful actually. Too much interaction isn't good for me. He smiles at me and I think I smiled back because his smile became larger. He scratched his neck and looked at the floor. I could tell he was nervous. My body kinda took over and I found myself asking with a sratchy voice, "Can I have a hug?"

He looked up with wide eyes, I knew he wasn't expecting that. He slowly walked towards making sure I didn't flip out. When he finally reaches the bed he asks to sit and I nod. So he sits and I can tell he is looking for something to say. Before he says anything I blurt out, "Thank You!" He looks up immidately and smiles.

"For what?" he asks a little confused. "For saving me," I say and I look down embarrassed. I just completely ruined my chance of maybe getting away from my mom. After this they are probably gonna bring me back. I realized I was crying when I felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around me. Honestly I didn't flinch this time. I was weird I felt almost safe like this.

"Love, Shh, I's alright your away from her shh It'll be okay shh," he says and I can feel the vibrations through his chest when he talks. He lightly lifts up my chin so he can look in my eyes. He wipes away a tear that ran down my face with the pad of his thumb. His eyes told me he was being serious. So sincere, I could get used to them always looking at me. I gave him a small smile to show him that I understood. He said it would be okay and I couldn't help but wish it would be.

Authors Note:

Yeah I know these are short right now but they'll get longer hopefully;) I kinda rushed intoo the saving part, but that's good because I have a feeling this is going to be one of the best stories I'll actually publish. Anyway my family issues have been resolved, it was just one big misunderstanding. Okay, good now if you have a comments or ideas I'm open:) Hope you like the story so far.

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