dix » even if i become dust, i really want you back

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Jisung takes his time after that to get used to the magic he can feel surging through him. It's overwhelming how he can suddenly do anything he wants to.

Rumours spread around the castle, it's impossible for them not to when Seungmin all but shouted to every one that Jisung suddenly could do magic.
He later explains to his friends what really happened. None of them understand it at all. Their friend had some magical abilities of course, but he'd never been on the same level as any other student. And now he could learn a charm as fast as Seungmin and make a potion as well as Changbin. Yeah no, that doesn't make sense at all.

They don't worry too much about it all, brushing it off because for the first time in almost two months Jisung isn't on edge more than he usually would be before this summer.

Seungmin worries that this is just the calm before the storm, there's no way that Jisung's negative feelings went away without even a small breakdown. Felix is okay with having a few days off from having to watch his roommates actions in his every waking moment. Even if it doesn't last as long as he would like it to.


Quidditch practices start on the third full week of lessons, second week is reserved for tryouts only. Previous generations would have separate practices for the different houses, which existed of course, it's how they made plans for matches and put in place their house signatures, but main practices were a free for all so to say. Anyone who is on a quidditch team is allowed to use the pitch.

That's how the quidditch players became friends, Chan and Minho were on the same team so of course they knew each other and spoke together, but Hyunjin and Jeongin seemingly would have no reason to talk to the older boys. Then again, Chan also has his own way in befriending quite literally everyone.

The Slytherin team all gather outside the changing rooms and Chan sets them off to work on warming back up, no technique practice or group work, just back to being on a broom and on the pitch.
Chan and Minho work together, they're a dynamic duo not many other players can break apart. Sticking to simple drills is easier said than done so after twenty minutes of passing a quaffle while flying around in different formations they start to get more determined. Chan starts it, shooting up and diving back down so Minho can use gravity to his advantage allowing him to make a quicker pass more directly over a smaller space to reduce the chances of an imaginary chaser intercepting.

They carry on for a while, getting back into their old habits of being able to make the most daring passes and fitting through invisible gaps. Minho dives towards the goal post, a clear shot because the keepers aren't working on the posts at the moment. He takes his shot about three metres away from the post, enough space left for him to not go crashing into the post under the goal. However, the quaffle never makes it through the hoop. A flash of white-gold hair flickers past. "Hyunjin, I swear on Merlin's name if you don't bring that quaffle back here right now!"

The other doesn't care, instead replying with his harmonious laughter. Eventually, he does bring the quaffle back, Chan following not far behind him.
"Shouldn't you be with Innie? Get along with your seeker things and all that." Minho's not being harsh, it's a genuine question and statement.
"And pass up the chance of getting between you two? I may play seeker but I know your tactics better than anyone else, it's unfortunate I can't play chaser as well as seeker during our matches." The younger boy's voice carries a light tone, this is how practice always goes. "Innie will be here soon, Seungmin and Jisung were talking to him in the changing room when I left."

The youngest joins them shortly after, a snitch in hand and a smile on his face. A smile that says more than enough.
"Kissing you boyfriend in the changing room, poor Jisung." Chan lets out the joke easily.
"He's used to it, he doesn't mind." the younger spits back, the undertone of amusement makes it impossible for the other three to not burst into laughter.

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