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You kept avoiding Anko and you informed Edgeshot that something suspicious is going on with Anko and you informed him about the letters. He told you to be extremely careful and that he cannot tell you anything more than that because she might read your mind.

You were working hard with your class and you were giving your best in these few days. You were adapting quickly and becoming really close with your classmates.

You already got your hero suits, your being pastel blue bodysuit with a lot of white details with white leggings and long white sleeves underneath, and pastel blue sports boots. Your nunchucks were on your utility belt, one on each side of your hips, and your boomerang was actually on your white helmet. You also had a harness with a heart in darker shade of blue on your left leg.

Bakugo eventually stopped bothering you and instead you two started to work together. You were often paired with either him or Midoriya for sparing with quirks or without them. Bakugo was kinda pissed that you could counter his explosions.

"Hey, it's a good thing that we're on the same team!" you sait to him once
"Whatever you say Windy girl." he said. You weren't sure if he was angry,  because he always seemed angry for no reason.
Angry hedgehog.

At home, you were sure that Anko noticed that something was going on with you and that she also tried to open grandma's room. Walls around the door were a bit damaged.
Once you heard her saying something about the grandma's room to someone through the phone, probably your parents.
"I can't manage to open those goddamn door, only she can!"

She probably knows, so you had to rush and do it as soon as possible. You contacted Shinso and let him know that you two have to come up with a plan at the lunch.
You couldn't really concentrate during your classes.
Your classmates were aware that you're upset, especially Kaminari.

"Y/n are you okay? You don't seem very well."
"Don't worry, it's fine." you said, while trying to smile and act as everything is fine.
Even Bakugo backed him up.

"Dunce face is right, what is going on?"
He did sound angrily but you could notice that he actually did care
"Y/n we are your friends, we're here to help you" Mina added.

"Guys, there's something that's bothering me and I'm not telling anyone for your own good. Pretty much family drama, that's all."
They all looked at you and nodded. Uraraka came to you and took your hands
"Y/n, if you need help, we'll be here."
"Thanks, I appreciate it" you said as you smiled at her.

At the lunch you sat at cafeteria with Shinso. You were making a plan because this situation was really bad. You didn't know what's Anko capable of and if she's willing to hurt you or not.
"We'll wait for her to leave as we planned, right?" he asked

"I don't think that's a good idea anymore, I'll probably have to report everything to Aizawa-sensei or All Might beforehand.  And I'm not sure if I want you to come Shinso. I don't want to put your life in danger." you said, as you put your hand on top of his.

"I don't care, I'm not letting you go on your own. Dangerous or not, I'll come with you." he said, as he noticed that Jiro was at the other end of the cafeteria, using her quirk to eavesdrop your conversation.

"Y/n they are listening." Shinso said to you, kinda annoyed
You turned around to see Jiro, Mina and Kaminari, who were listening to your whole conversation.  They just waved at you and vanished.

"Those three..." you said, as you facepalmed
"What are you going to do?" he asked
"Nothing, they don't know our plan. I'll notify you when she leaves but we have to be quick, because she might suspect that we will try to open the room when she's not home."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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Waiting for us - Shinso x reader (fem) rewritten versionWhere stories live. Discover now