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book trailer is posted on my tiktok!!! @theonotts.wp


"If someone hypothetically wanted to become a Death Eater how would they do it?"

Our story starts with a brunette girl lying on the couch in the parlor of Nott Manor. She was talking to her friend, Theo Nott, who was sitting on the opposite end of the couch with her legs propped up on his lap. "I don't know, El. I guess you'd just OWL the Dark Lord."

"Really?" She sat up, "It's that easy?"

"No, you dumb arse. I don't know how you'd do it. My father is one but I don't know what he had to do to become one. He probably killed someone."

"You think so?"

Theo shrugged, "I don't know, I've never asked. Why are you all of a sudden so interested in Death Eaters? You know, Gryffindors like yourself aren't supposed to have an interest in the Dark Arts or Voldemort."

She rolled her eyes, "I don't know. Why don't you ask the Sorting Hat? How do you think I felt when the stupid thing yelled Gryffindor and embarrassed me and my family?"

"Well I suppose that would be embarrassing, but he must've seen good in you because you didn't end up with me in Slytherin."

She sighed, "I bet if I were in Slytherin I'd know more about Death Eaters." She mumbled.

Little did they know, Theodore Nott Sr. was standing at the stairwell listening to their conversation. He didn't intend on eavesdropping but once he heard the curious girl mention Death Eaters, he had to listen, it'd be wrong if he didn't. What if Theo gave up important information? What if she was a spy for Harry Potter? See? Too many possibilities.

Theo rolled his eyes, "You're lucky, you don't have to know about them. Your father has passed and so has your brother, so Voldemort has no interest in recruiting any of your immediate family, you don't have to worry about them going on a mission and never returning. Promise me you won't ask anyone else anymore questions about Death Eaters? You're going to say the wrong thing to the right person and next thing you know you'll have a Dark Mark on your arm and then you'll spend the rest of your life obeying Him and doing dangerous tasks." He lifted her feet off of him and stood up, "It's getting late, your mum will want you home soon."

She hadn't meant to upset him, "I'm sorry, Theo."

"It's okay, you just have questions that you want answers to, I understand. I'll see you tomorrow." He promised and then he walked out of the room.

She walked over to the fireplace and as she was about to tell it that she wanted to return to Avery Manor, Theodore Nott walked in, when she first heard the footsteps, she turned thinking it was Theo but it wasn't.

"Hello, Mr. Nott." She greeted.

He nodded, "Why are you asking him so many questions about Death Eaters?" He asked, cutting straight to the point.

She looked down at her feet, "No reason other than I was just curious."

"Just curious?" He repeated.

She nodded, "Yes sir."

"Well, with the way you were talking it seemed you wanted to know how to join."

"I was just-"

He cut her off, "Curious, I know."

"I should probably get going, my mum is sick and it's time for her to take her potions." She changed the subject, stepping back into the fireplace.

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