The bar

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Beavis and Butthead were sitting on the couch like usual when all of a sudden buttheads phone started ringing butthead sighed and picked his phone up answering without looking at the caller ID "ehh...hello...." Stewart answered cheerfully "hey butthead! I was wondering if you and Beavis would want to come to the bar with me?" Butthead sighed and looked at Beavis...and answered "ehh....let me ask beavith..." Butthead put his phone down looked at Beavis and said "ehh...Stewart is inviting us to a you eh...want to go..?" Beavis looked at him like he was crazy but really wanted to drink "mehehe...uhh I guess..." butthead picked his phone up again and said "ehh...we'll go..." Stewart quickly answered "great okay! See you guys at 9pm!" Stewart hung up
Butthead looked at the time "8:45pm." Butthead got up "ehh we might as well get ready or whatever..."  Beavis and Butthead got "ready" they got into their car and started driving to the bar Beavis extremely excited was shaking his arms up and down butthead trying to ignore him kept driving until Beavis started talking to him "hey you think Stewart is gonna pay for us?!" Butthead looked at him "ehh that dillweed better....we shouldn't go if he won't... Uhuhuh" they finally made it to the bar at 9:01pm they saw Stewart outside wave at them as they parked beavis immediately got out and walked up to stewart "hey Stewart mehehe!" Stewart answered happily "hey Beavis it's great to see you man! It's been a minute" beavis and Stewart had a very friendly conversation which they normally don't do very much and finally butthead came out and said "ehh...hey Stewart" Beavis got next to butthead again once he got out the car they all walked into the bar and Stewart ordered their drinks and said "these are on me okay? Stewart smiled warmly at both of them Beavis's arm went up and down in excitement as he quietly said "yeah yeah!!" A few minutes later Beavis had already downed 3 beers but butthead and Stewart were only still on their first butthead has never really talked to Stewart before he wasn't enjoying it much but he was tolerating it. Beavis was a bit tipsy and butthead was a little buzzed Stewart got up and said "I'll be right back I need to use the restroom." Stewart got up and walked to the bathroom and butthead was finally onto his second beer while Beavis was on his 5th..butthead looked at him and said "ehh you need to like be cut off or something huhuh..." Beavis looked at him and giggled a bit " way...butthead i-im fine" butthead rolled his eyes "ehh whatever...." Butthead finally felt drunk his body felt warm and nice....Stewart came back sat back down and continued speaking but this time butthead couldn't pay attention to him. His eyes were on Beavis. He rarely ever made eye contact with Beavis unless they were fighting Beavis looked back at him it was sort of intense but finally butthead was snapped back into reality with Stewart's overwhelming high voice..."uhm butthead are you okay?" Butthead looked at him "ehh yeah...." Trying to think of an excuse he said "I was just huhuhuuh...checking a chick out uhuhuh" Stewart laughed a bit "haha you've barely changed butthead" he smiled.
Butthead sighed....and said "ehhh...okay.."
Stewart then got distracted by the football game on the tv and completely ignored butthead when he said something butthead went back to looking at Beavis, for some reason butthead couldn't stop thinking about how "cute" he was...buttheads face turned red looking at him when Beavis finally looked at him again "uhm....what are you looking at butthead? Mehehe" buttheads face got more red "ehhh nothing buttmunch..." Beavis kept looking at him and finally butthead turned away his mind racing with thoughts "why all of a sudden is he so cute?..." "I haven't felt this way about Beavis since we were 15...." Butthead sighed audibly making Beavis look at him again Beavis was pretty drunk so he wasn't hesitant about saying anything Beavis slurring his words says "uhm ..meheheh....b-butthead...why are you uhmm ..mehehe blushing?" Butthead eyes got wide.. awkwardly he said "'s just warm in here.."
A few hours later Beavis and Butthead and Stewart were both very drunk though Stewart was still focused on the football game Beavis and Butthead were sitting a bit closer to each other giggling at stupid stuff and making jokes about whatever they could Beavis expecting butthead to make another joke was extremely surprised by his next comment butthead slurring his words and stuttering looks at beavis and says "y-you know beavis....I've always thought you were cute..." Butthead got closer to Beavis's face their noses close to touching Beavis blushed his eyes going wide and his eyebrows slanting downward stuttering "w-wait mehehe what?."
Butthead blushes "ehh....n-nevermind" Beavis blushed he knows what butthead said but did he want to mention it?...or should he just pretend he never heard it...Beavis got closer to his face their noses now touching Beavis could smell the alcoholics breath..his body feeling warmth from being flustered and drunk butthead breath became shaky from being nervous the overwhelming urge to kiss Beavis overcame him for some reason he never felt that urge before he gulped nervously and got even closer to Beavis's face...their lips touching butthead expecting Beavis  to push him away instead Beavis got closer butthead couldn't resist it anymore he started kissing Beavis...Stewart finally snapping back into reality looks over to see his two "bestfriend's" kissing he gasped a bit and pretended to ignore it slowly turning back to the tv...Beavis and butthead continued kissing...butthead pulled away from Beavis and quietly said " you want to go to...the" Butthead blushing nervous...he's never felt this way for Beavis it was weird...Beavis slowly nodded....and giggled a bit...butthead pulled away stood up and cleared his throat "ehh...hey and beavis are gonna go...." Stewart looked at the both of them..."oh that's fine! I hope you all have a lovely night." Beavis and Butthead walked out the bar and got into the back of their car....

Maybe I Am Inlove With You.. (a Beavis x butthead fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now