The car

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Butthead pushed Beavis into the back of their car and started kissing him again this time a bit more passionately slowly escorting his hands down to Beavis's hips Beavis couldn't help but do his usual giggle "mehehe..." In the middle of each kiss butthead pulled Beavis closer to him and started to bite his lower lip...Beavis opened his mouth a bit, their tongues started to intertwine Beavis whimpered a bit but he pulled himself closer to butthead making the kiss more intense beavis wrapped his arms around buttheads neck while they were kissing Beavis felt butthead bulge against him...the feeling was...really nice in his opinion, it made him kiss him more butthead groaned with a bit of pleasure. Beavis pulled away a bit " have a uh bulge..." Beavis blushed while saying this but he found it humorous buttheads gave Turn red "ehh....shut up...Beavis..." Beavis laughed a bit..."mehehe, no butthead it's fine...meheh" butthead blushed and didn't even say anything he started kissing him again, butthead slowly started unbuttoning his pants... continuing to kiss Beavis butthead pulled away but only a little bit so there lips are still touching " ehh take your" beavis blushed "mehehe...s-sure.." beavis quickly took his pants off...butthead blushed pushing beavis down a bit kissing him more sloppy but both of them week still enjoying themselves butthead pulled his cock out of his boxers Beavis caught what butthead was planning to do with him....and for some reason the idea made him horny..Beavis slowly slid his boxers off both of them blushing looking at each other..butthead looked away positioning his dick to its destination(lol) butthead gulped and asked "e-ehh...are y-you...ready..?" Beavis blushed "u-uh yeah...." Butthead slowly slid his cock inside of his best friend butthead quickly kissed his best friend and started thrusting in him Beavis couldn't help but start moaning a bit butthead groaned "f-fuck.." butthead thrusted harder Beavis whimpering and moaning wrapping his legs around butthead Beavis moaning "" butthead starting thrusting he knew he wouldn't last long he would never admit it but beavis's tight insides...felt so good butthead thrusted as fast as he could getting deeper and deeper inside of him their car rocking back and forth beavis trying to stay silent could barely resist being loud he whimpered and moaned putting his hand over his mouth his back arching butthead squeezed his hips thrusting faster and faster " im about to C-" right before he finished inside of his best friend he heard a knock on the driver window he quickly pulled out and pulled his pants back up quickly getting out of the car Stewart stood right by the driver seat "hey I was just making sure you guys were okay I noticed you uhm didn't leave.." butthead sighed angrily "im fine Stewart and so is Beavis.." stewart looked in the car from the driver seat seeing beavis in the back trying to clean the sweat, saliva, and hickeys off him Stewarts eyes went wide and he quietly said "oh!" Stewart looked back at butthead buttheads face red, as he locked off into the street...Stewart said "uh well hope you guys enjoy the rest of your night" Stewart waved and walked to his car butthead sighed and got back into his car and looked at Beavis "ehh....I think I'm sober again...." Beavis crawled back into the front seat awkwardly looking at him " too....." They both blushed...butthead sighed and said "eh...finish me off when we get...home..?" Beavis blushed turning his head to look at him "w-what...mehehe...i-..okay..." He blushed...butthead turned the radio up and turned it up all the he drove home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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