Home Birth

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It was morning, I woke up stretching my body, then all of a sudden, I felt a warm liquid dripping down my legs. It was time for the baby to come.

"Damian!" I called.

Damian ran to the bedroom

"What is it?" Damian asked.

"My water broke!" I said.

"Everyone, the baby's coming!" Damian said.

"I'll go fill up the bathtub." Dominik said.

"I'll get some towels." Rhea said.

I started having contractions, taking deep breaths.

"Come on Luna, I'll lead you to the bathroom." Tyler said.

Tyler held my hand as he led me to the bathroom, then gently sat me down in the bathtub.

"Ok Luna, on the count of three, I want you to push as hard as you can." Shotzi said.

"Ok." I said.

"One...Two...Three...Push!" Shotzi said.

I started pushing as the baby's head came out.

" I can see her head, one more push Luna." Finn said.

I gave out one last push, and out came our baby crying.

"She's so beautiful. 😍" I said.

"Indeed she is." Damian said.

"So adorable." Finn said.

"Very precious." Rhea said.

"She's even got your hair." Dominik said.

Tyler got the scissors to cut the umbilical cord.

Shotzi got some towels to clean the baby, and put the clothes on her.

Shotzi got some towels to clean the baby, and put the clothes on her

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"Thank you Shotzi, she's so adorable." I said.

I held on to my baby as I led her to the room.

"What's the baby's name?" Damian asked.

"Lucille Rose Priest. Lucy for short." I said.

"Such a beautiful name." Tyler said.

Damian took Lucy to her room.

"Goodnight, my little angel." Damian said, giving the baby a kiss.

As the sun started to set, we all headed to bed.

"Goodnight darling." I said.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Damian said.

We went to bed,  and drifted off to sleep.

Lucille "Lucy" Rose Priest

Born: May 16th, 2023

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