The meet

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Maddens POV:

"We have new neighbors everyone!" Eva said trying to sound cheerful as everyone groaned
laying their head back rolling their eyes back. "They know me very well!" Everyone groans more as Hartlys smile turns into a frown, "Really? wow" She said shaking her head.

"They have a kid Colbys age" Eva said "Wait, REALLY?!" Colby said getting up from his seat walking towards Eva. "Maybe Colby can finally make a friend" Amy said giggling. "if they even like him" Jake said as Him,Amy,Vic Laugh while Colby rolled his eyes sitting back on the couch.

"Okay guys lets not be mean" Hartley said giggling a bit. "Really Hartley? you to?" Colby said frustrated. Hartl looked guilty snd tried to get out of the situation "Oh, i have to go get them!" Hartley said walking towards the door, "TOODLES" She said closing the door.

Yns POV:

I was waiting for Hartley to pick me up and introduce me to the neighbors,Ugh i hope their not annoying!
I got on my phone watching tiktok laughing as i look out the window seeing her come towards the door, i went out and ran towards her,She pulls me into a hug.
"I miss you so much!" Hartley saying squeezing me. "I miss you to! but your kinda suffocating me" I said as Hartley lets me go. "Omg im so sorry! are you okay?"
"Im in fine,anyway when are we getting there?" I asked as Hartley points to a house, "their right across us" I nod. "RACE YA" i said running as Hartley screams trying to catch up to me.

I make to the house a little out of breath with Hartley right behind me,She walks in-front
of me knocking on the door pulling me beside her.Some minutes went by,The door finally opens and it was a Family,I see the parents and two older kids and a kid that seems my age
we make eye contact for a second before i looked away blushing a bit.

"Guys this is my cousin Y/n" I wave awkwardly "Hello Hartleys cousin yn" they all say at once, i made a weird look as Hartley came in pushing me inside, i look around for a second.

"I love your hair" I heard a girl say, i look towards her with half of my face turning to her. "Oh thanks,I love your fit" She smiles. "Thanks, I call it the Amy style" I giggle.

"Your hair reminds me of...Fire" The kid my age says pointing to my hair walking towards me. "Oh thanks, i guess it kinda does look like fire" I say grabbing a piece of my loose hair looking at it.

"Ill introduce myself since you guys wont" Amy said
"Im Amy nice to meet you" She smiles sticking her hand out, i smile back
taking her hand shaking it. "Im Eva and this is my husband Vic" Eva said. "Hello! and whatever you dont touch that apple
it will shock you" Vic says pointing at the apple as everyone turns to him with a weird look.

"What?" He says.

Jake rolls her eyes as she walks towards me,

"Hi Im jake, senior citizen,and Top student in my school!" He says proudly

"Ok nerd dont scare her away" Amy said rolling her eyes

"Im not gonna scare her away,dont be dramatic Amy"

"Well she doesn't need to know althatt!"

As Amy and Jake bitter i laugh a bit.

"Ok ok! kids stop, if she wanted to leave would've already,and a argument ain't gonna help

Eva said pulling them apart from almost attacking eachother.

"Yeah listen to your mother" Vic says grabbing an apple
They all look at him with a weird look again
"what?? Oh this is the real apple"
He takes a bite slowly and dramatically,and then...He gets shocked
"Nevermind! it wasn't real!APPLE WASENT REAL!!!"
He runs to the kitchen.
"Okay, ill go check on him,be good kids"
Eva said walking to the kitchen.

The boy turned to me

"Hi im Colby,Master at games,nice to meet you"

He says in a flirty way winking, which i chuckle at.

"Nice to meet you to"

We both smile

"Okay love birds, lets watch something,you guys are grossing me out"

Amy said making a disgusted face

"You say that as if you and hartley don't flirt

Jake says which Amy made a guilty face sitting down on the couch awkwardly.

"Uhm...Ill go check on them!"

Hartley says walking to the kitchen awkwardly. which made me laugh.

"Anyway you can call me yo buy" (I know its cringe but just wait)

She smiled
"Im not calling you that"

He put his hand over his chest as he gasp pretending to die,she chuckles as Jake amd Amy smirk.

"What do you guys wanna watch?"

Hartley say's coming back as everyone shrugs.

"i gotta get home,Celia got her foot stuck in the toilet again"
Hartley says reading a text as everyone shivers
"She also said to bring Yn"

Me,Colby,And Amy say at the same time.

"Hey shes mine,back off Colb"
Amy said in a cold tone looking at colby.

Colby puts his hands up.
"Lets go"

I say walking towards hartley.


Amy and Colby say again.


"Can i have your number?"
"No can I have your number?"

Amy and Colby say pushing eachother

"You both can have it"

They both cheer as i give it to them.

"Ill text you when you get back!"
Colby says

"Ill but ill keep her laughing"
Amy says smiling in victory.

Me and Hartley walk out the door heading to Celias house.
Hartley says smirking
"hows you and colby??"
"Hows you and Amy?"

I smile as Hartley give me the Shut the fuck up look, which i laugh at.

"No but for real"
Hartley says slightly begging.
"Hes pretty funny,and nice"
Hartley smirks again
"Shut up!"
i push her slightly.

we make it to Celilas house walking in,we call her name a few times,no answer,we call her name again and hear it upstairs,We walk upstairs and into her bathroom to see he foot in the toilet with her...Leftover dinner.
Me and Hartley Say
"if you wanna stay my granbabies,dont push it"
Celia Threatens

꧁߷꧂HEYYYYYY!Hows the chapter?
i hope you like and also ofc i had to add the
HARTMY ship, and ofc Amys are pookie😘


༇𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞༇᯾ (Y/n x Colby)Where stories live. Discover now