New World..."Where am i?"

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On a bright sunny day in Jasper,a red car with horns on the front is being chased by a group of purple cars.A blue motorbike I speeding next to it,dodging multiple attempts of the purple cars trying to hit it off the rode. The red car,as well as the blue motorbike, have a unique metal plate with a strange symbol .Whilst the purple cars have one aswell, but they look very different.

A voice comes from the red car,like its speaking to the motorbike next to it
"Arcee,we need to split up,go and get backup" the red car says as it dodge an attack " Are you serious Cliff!? You get killed" the motorbike speaks,quickly speeding up "Just go,I'll lead them off you aft and get them away, I'll be fine" The car that the blue motorbike, called Arcee calls Cliff tuts and agrees. "Fine Cliff ,lead them off my aft and ill spin around and speed back" Arcee tells Cliff the plan.

They both put the plan onto action, as Cliff distracted them,Arcee spins around and speeds off.Cliff the gets to a Canyon,where a strange sound comes from the car,and transformers into a red robot .

"Come get some,you cons!" The giant mech shouts at the cars as they also transform into tall mechs

"Well,isn't it Barricade and you goons,thought you died on Cybertron" Cliffjumpers says as he speaks to the mech ,that is clearly bigger than the troopers. "I expected for you to have lost your spark by now,Autobot scum" Barricade says as the mech and the troopers begin firing at Cliffjumper. Cliff instantly takes cover behind some rocks,as he shoots back,making sure that the shot connects. One trooper is able to land a hit on Cliff,making him lose concentration, and he gets punched by breakdown. "Frag!",Cliff smashes into a wall,Barricade grabs him and slams him onto the rocky floor,stepping on him,making sure he can't get up.

"Starscream is going to enjoy ripping out your spark" Barricade and the troopers give out a sinister laugh,only to hear a voice "where in the blue sea am I?" They turn there heads,where they see a human femme,with green hair,one eye close where a scar goes down it.The femme is wearing strange clothing as she stands around looking confused.

"HUMAN,GET OUT OF HERE!" Cliff shouts,only to be shutted up by Barricade adding more pressure to where he standing on him "shut up,trooper,grab the human!" Barricade tells one of the three troopers. The second the trooper gets close to the human femme,he is sliced into little chunks,making all the cybertronians stop in shock,they see the women with two swords in each hand,with one in her mouth and she speaks "Ara Ara,you devil fruit users are annoying, now why don't you tell me where I am,or things will get bloody"

*Devil fruits?* In this situation, they all think on what I'm on about, but they are quickly brought out of there deep thought,when the other troopers are sliced up,o ly leaving Cliffjumper and Barricade alive. "What in the name of primus ,you fleshling!" Barricade with a second thought, steps off Cliffjumper and attacks the human femme "Move human!" Cliffjumper tries to stand up,he sees his team arrive.

Before anyone can do anything, they all seem utterly shocked, as the see Energon leak all around from Barricades waist " What in the all-" Barricade can't even finish, as Barricades upper body slide of from his torso,killing him.

Cliffjumper goes to sit up ,and sees the human femme pick up the part of his horn that fell off,and put it in her bag.The whole of team prime quickly jump down. They see the women properly as she brings out a strange looking jug,and drink from it

"That is so much better,nothing can beat a nice drink" The women says as she wipes her lip. "Oh,do you things know where I am?" The women looks up at the mechs and one femme,they all quickly get out of there thoughts, the red and blue mech kneels down "Human,I am Optimus Prime,I am the leader of the Autobots,these are my comrades, Rachet our medic,Bulkhead our wrecker ,and Bumblebee Arcee and Cliffjumper as our scouts" as Optimus speaks,the women sheeths her swords and speaks "My name is Zoro,and I have no fucking clue where I am" Zoro jumps up and stands on Cliffjumpers head and taps it where his missing horn is. "You all look weird. What are you?" The female looks up towards the others with a confused look.

The one called Ratchet then speaks up. "What in the all spark was that,how didi you do that human!?" he looks at Zoro, who is chillling on Cliffjumprs shoulder. "simple,i am the worlds greatest swords women,no one can beat me" Zoro says with confidance and a smug grin. Optimus then stands up at his full height, Arcee walks towards Zoro "Thank you for saving Cliffjumpers spark if you did not aappear,im afraid to think on what would happend" Arcee smiles only for Zoro to speak  "he would of died,or maybe be ripped apart slowly" Zoro has a blank exspresion as she speaks,the rest of team prime just have a deadpam look,wondering and surprised by how straight foward Zoro was.

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