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*next day/afternoon*
I decided I did not want to be cooped up I'm my home so I decided to text Pepper and see if she can hang at Starbucks with me. The thing with Bella and Sophie is that when it comes to boys and other things like that they try to stay out even though they like someone. Pepper can give really good advice.

"Hey girl so what you wanna talk about you look stressed out af" she said grabbing her drink and sitting down beside me. "Well me and Sawyer are good but Henry keeps getting in the way and its so irritating like I just want him to leave me alone" I said sighing and taking a sip of my frap. "So you would be mad if he was here right now" Pepper responded nervously. I then turned around real quick and then turning the other way. Pepper grabbed my hand and we tried to storm out of there asap.

"Hey Lila" Henry said with a hopeful look. I gave Pepper a "help me" look and she nodded. "Henry, look Lila doesn't want to talk to you she would appreciate it if you leave her alone" Pepper said real sassy. "Well you know what I can't leave her alone" Henry said already mad. "Okay and why is that" Pepper raising her voice. "I CAN'T LEAVE LILA ALONE BECAUSE I LOVE HER."

"Oh really, then why did you cheat on me" I said finally turning around. "Cause I was a idiot, Lila please I know you are going out with Sawyer but remember he made you cry. He choose Chelsea over you. Also I don't think you wanna know what him and Chelsea did.." He said sighing. "What did they do" I asked my voice cracked.

Henry showed me a pick of Chelsea and Sawyer at a fancy restaurant holding hands. Then he showed me one of Sawyer kissing Chelsea. I started to get teary eyed. Then of course Sawyer walked in, perfect timing.

I took the phone from Henry, "What is this" I said now furious. "Um I don't know what that is Lila honestly I never took her out" he said trying to calm me down. Henry pulled me back. "Don't lie Huggins I saw you with Chelsea on a date, I was at Sotevoche for my graduation dinner with family and I saw you walk in with her. That's when I knew something was up. See Lila I told you not to trust him." Henry said.

"Hey guy, Lila" Chelsea said walking in giving me a dirty look. Pepper grabbed her and took her to the bathroom to talk to her. "Lila I swear nothing is going on please believe me" Sawyer said with basically no emotion. "UGH YOU KNOW WHAT JUST FORGET IT" I said running away. When I finally reached the park I sat on the bench crying.

"Lila, I know you don't want anyone to talk to you but I just want you to know if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you" Henry said sympathetically. "Henry I'm so sorry." I said embracing him. "What are you sorry for" he asked confused. "Everything that is going on, you don't deserve to be put in situations like this especially because we are going to high school and the last thing you need to worry about is a stupid girl putting you in stupid situation" I said crying harder. "Hey first off I don't even care about what's going on I just want you to be happy and second your are not stupid so don't say that and lastly I'm glad I'm in these so call stupid situations with you" he said.

Then we kissed. I don't know what to do anymore.

Stuffs been going down, so yeah.. But anyway up dates yay!! I honestly don't really have anything to say but all these plots twist are getting confusing so I gotta read the whole thing again. ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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