Chapter Twenty Two ㅡ Japan Dome Tour.

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Day One ended successfully. 

Just like any other concert, Stray Kids stood at the end of the stage, holding hands as they bowed down in respect to the entire crowd. 

It was their first day in Japan after long months, and it was already crazy. They performed some of their latest tracks from 5-Star and even performed the old ones, bringing back Wolfgang; the iconic kingdom performance back into play again. The members even had their own solo stages, performing some of their most iconic songs, even the unreleased ones, and making the crowd go wild. In more or less words, day one was insane and there was already so much more coming tomorrow. 

The Japanese crowd was polite and respectful towards the members, which was a good sign because no one really bought up weird hate sign boards or anything for Minho. It was as if everything that happened yesterday, Lee Sooyoung's death, the Twitter trends, the fight with the manager, had been long forgotten. 

Seungmin was happy to see his Lee Know hyung smiling again, he remembered how the older felt so stressed about the concert and all the hate the day before, but now, it was as if all the worriedness had been wiped off his face and he was gazing at the crowd with a subtle look. 

Seungmin gave Stays one last wave before scurrying away to join everyone backstage. On his way, he turned towards his boyfriend, flashing him a sweet smile, and he tried to hold his hands. But Minho ignored him and turned to walk the other way. 

Seungmin's heart dropped in disappointment, but he still maintained the adorable puppy smile on his face, not wanting his beloved fans to worry. He then ran down the hydraulic lift to join his hyungs back stage. 

"Good job, guys!! You were amazing!!" The staff said, handing them water bottles and towels.

"Well done, my boys! It was great out there!" the manager said, clapping his hand as he went closer to the exhausted boys.

"Thank you, manager-nim. " chan replied, and the manager nodded. "You guys can go and freshen up. The van will be waiting. " He instructed, and they all nodded, dropping down on the sofas like robots with used up batteries.

"Ahh! I'm so tired! But it was so fun!! The Japanese were wild!!" Felix exclaimed, and the rest agreed well. "Yeah, you were amazing with your solo, Felix. Crazy!" Chan complimented the younger boy, and he smiled.

"Thanks, hyung, but the others did amazing too!" Felix said, and they all nodded in sync.

"But I think I could work on my vocals a bit..." Seungmin said, making everyone look at him in disbelief. "What the hell, Seungmin?" Jisung uttered, and the younger boy looked at the ground, feeling everyone's eyes on him.

"I... I wasn't the best out there... and my voice wasn't practically that stable soㅡ"

"Seungmin-ah..." Chan sighed and sat next to the younger, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to console him.

"You did well. We're all proud of you... of course, there's a place for improvement in everyone, but that does not mean that you'll only ever criticise yourself. " He reassured the latter, and Seungmin nodded, smiling weakly.

"Yeah, your voice was the most stable out there! You were amazing, dude!!" Changbin exclaimed, earning a teasingly look from Chan.

"Yeah? What about you, Changbin? You enjoyed that kiss from Lee Know?" He retorted, and the entire room burst out in laughter.

Changbin rolled his eyes and threw his towel towards Chan. "Fuck you. I wasn't even prepared for that shit. "

Minho only laughed in response along with the other guys.

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