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Third Person POV

"Shinju wa hitori dewa deki nai~" a man hummed happily underneath the sunset of Yokohama. It was quiet where he was. No cars, no people, just him on a pier over the water.

The pier was high above the water. The salty breeze tickled his nose and danced around his coat. The waves cascaded on the waves repeatedly, creating a soothing ambiance as the man stared into its watery depths. The ocean constantly moving, never stationary. What if he jumped in?

"Oi, Dazai. What are you doing here? Trying to do another attempt?" Another voice remarked.

The said man, Osamu Dazai turned around to look at the shorter male. His face was enigmatic as if contemplating his decisions in life. "What do you want, Chuuya?"

"I was gonna clear my mind but now you're here," Chuuya growled, placing a hand on his hip as he stood beside the brown-haired man. He kept one hand on top of his hat, making sure it doesn't fly away from the violent wind.

"Ew. A slug is next to me," Dazai dramatically gagged, acting as if he was going to barf.

Chuuya side-eyed him, too tired to deal with a dramatic suicidal maniac.

"Oi, bastard."

"What do you want, hat rack?"

"Tch," Chuuya refrained from lashing back, despite his muscles wanting to punch the other man in the face. Dazai just smirked at him. "That new girl in your agency...what's her name?"

Oh? That was something Dazai did not expect Chuuya to ask this soon. Dazai smirked, placing his elbows on the rail as he gazed at the painting of warm colors in the sky.

"Didn't think you had nice taste in women, Chuuya," Dazai said humorously. "Well, her name is Y/n L/n. Quite the beauty, I'd say so myself. She's the new therapist assigned to work for our clients in the detective agency."

Chuuya hummed, his deep voice catching onto his throat slightly as his blue orbs stared at the water. The sunset seemed to melt into the ocean, adding a tint of orange to the water's surface.

"That so? Good to know," Chuuya muttered pensively.

Dazai side glanced at Chuuya, quietly observing his features as he figured out the meaning behind them.

"Ah. Shortie has a crush now? Oh wow, and here I thought you were married to wine!" He said in a silvery tone.

"Says the suicidal mackerel," Chuuya retorted, feeling his patience slowly dissipating. "So what if I find someone attractive!"

"So you do admit~" Dazai exhaled a light-hearted chuckle, making Chuuya jump away in disgust.

"How about we make a bet, hm?"

"Bets with you would be the death of me," Chuuya muttered, glaring daggers at Dazai. To the taller man, Chuuya looked like an angry Chihuahua.

"A challenge then. Wine will be the prize."

"...What is it?" The ginger grumbled, taking off his hat to place it over his chest as he turned to look at Dazai's profile.

Dazai looked back at Chuuya with a shit-eating grin that made Chuuya want to kick him into the water. The wind made the men's hair flutter gently at the rhythm of the breeze.

"I'll make her fall in love with me in 15 days or less!" Dazai smirked confidently.

"Oh yeah? As if I'd let you!" Chuuya stomped his feet like a child, looking pissed at Dazai's challenge.

Chuuya's response only makes Dazai's grin bigger and much more irritating.

"The timer starts tomorrow at eight in the morning. Good luck! You need it since you don't have her contacts~~~ Ack- Chuuya you're choking me!"

"Kinky bastard, give me her number," Chuuya growled. He kept his gloved hand grasped tightly around Dazai's collar as he stared into Dazai's dead eyes.

"Ahaha. Left my cell phone in my house, aka trash can~!"

An overwhelming about of disgust crashed onto Chuuya, causing him to let go of Dazai.

"You dirty bastard! Nasty! No wonder you get rejected so often."

Dazai had never gasped so dramatically until that moment. He jumped back multiple times as if he had been struck. Slumping back, he laid his hand over his head, emotionally offended.

"Don't involve the waifus in this!"

"Ha! Waifu?! You got no bitches!"

"Gasp! Neither do you."

"I have my wine! Besides, I'm 'bout to steal this Y/n L/n before your filthy hands touch her!"

"I've shaken hands with her."

"You will NOT make me jealous now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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