I love this song and Solangelo

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*Disclaimer: their 10. Do not think they're flirting. At least... Not YET!*

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I said after I heard a rustle of leaves behind me. I knew I wasn't to be here, but how could I not? It became my comfort place because I felt close to my mother here. After all, it's where she died.  Okay, That sounded wrong. I.. I can feel her ghost or spirit with me when I'm here, 'kay? I'm not creepy and weird. Trust me.


So.. I turned around and found a sliver glimmer, I could sense the basic outline of it resembled my mother, which, to be fair, makes sense. "Mother?"

All she said in reply was a laugh. Of course. She seemed to scoot away, which I took as a sign to follow her. Ya know, following a maybe ghost who has bad intentions cause I'm the heir and stuff, blah blah. You know, I never saw a ghost this weird before. That means I saw a ghost before, right? Yeah, I think so. That's because I did! I saw a glimpse of a girl who was a bit shorter than me when I was like 7. That was very fun.. Yeah. 

I snapped back to reality. (I think that's ADHD, I think I have it too but not sure yet what it feels like to be ADHD) "Umm... Hello?" A soft voice whispered into my ear. I quickly jerk up, even then my 'feeling alarmed? Be armed!' habit was there. I untensed when I saw that it was a lord's son, Will, maybe. Or Jason? I never could memorize names whenever they came by. 

He waved his hand in front of my face, looking worried. "Helloo?? Is anybody in there? Or do you have no brain cells like me?"

"No, you're smart, you're nothing like me." I spat, without meaning to. He frowned; I never noticed how.. different he was from the other royals. He was delicate and soft, sweet, born to heal and laugh. That was the start of when I knew he was Will, not Jason and that I absolutely liked him.

"Well, I don't know who you are but I think you're smart. You're pretty, too." He blushed after saying that. My eyes wided. Nobody said that expect Bianca and she was gone on a quest. 


"You're welcome. But umm.. Do you know where you are right now? Plus no offence but you're kinda a bit messed up."

"Thanks." I said as I rolled my eyes. I did think of why I thanked him twice, even if it was sarcastic once, when I meet him for less than a minute now, though. 

I looked down to see myself when I noticed my poet blouse (HELP, I don't know what he would wear back then..??) was filthy and covered in mud and leaves. My father would KILL me. I laughed, though. I couldn't help myself. "No, I don't, where am I, your lordship?"

He looked at me curiously. "How do you know that? I'm not wearing my pin or outfit?"

I smiled. "I saw you." I said simply. 

"Oook?" He drew out the 'o' to make it more uncertain.  "Well, you're in the place my father and the king made for me. I'm kinda a bad kid to be a healer, to be honest. Being outside helps."

I tilted my head; I never knew that. "It's beautiful and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude.."

He smiled. "No need. I have everything around here for people like you who are lost. Everyone is welcome here."

I smiled back at him. "Thanks, you're Will, right?" 

"Yeah. Do I.. Know you?"

"Maybe." I paused. Should I tell him? Everyone I told changed their ways towards me at soon I did. Ahh, dang it. My mouth already said the words; "I'm Nico. Nico di Angelo. (Draco vibes, anybody?)

His face whitened. "Oh."
"Yeah.." My heart was beating very fast by now; I liked him and wanted to be his friend. Did I ruin that chance?

He smiled clumsy. "I'm not gonna change my ways to you, your highness, if you're thinking that right now. You're not that special"

I was pleasantly surprised at his words. Very sassy, yet reassuring.
 I smiled jokingly back at him. I nudged his shoulder. "I think you're lying, sunshine" 

"Nope! Not at all! You're not special to me. You're just like a cat. A white one."

"No... I don't want to be the white one. I'm gonna be the black one."

"But the black one is bad luck. White is the opposite of black so white is good luck." 

"Not listening, glowstick"
"glowstick? What kinda nickname is that?"

"A good one."

Words: 769 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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