Chapter 11

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"And what do we have here?" Sakura muttered. "More underground bases?"

"You don't like the underground?" Juugo asked kindly.

Not for the first time, Sakura wondered at the fact that such a gentle man would be cursed with such wild, violent rages.

"I just don't like anything without windows," Sakura admitted. "Anywhere I can't see sunlight or feel the just makes me uncomfortable."

Juugo frowned. "Were you imprisoned underground once? Is that why you feel unsettled? You feel trapped?"

Sakura shrugged. "It's not that easily explained – I've always been like this. Just one of my quirks, I guess."

Though she would have felt better about the whole thing if she'd had her super strength back and could have punched out a window whenever she so chose. But the collar ensured that wasn't an option.

"I'm sorry," he said sympathetically.

Sakura smiled at him. "It's hardly your fault."

He smiled back, a little shyly, as though he didn't quite remember how friendship worked anymore.

They were currently traversing the winding corridors of what Sasuke had told them was a supply cache his family had created and controlled. It had been hidden in the middle of a ruined city.

"All these tunnels look the same," Suigetsu complained.

"Yeah, because the tunnels in Orochimaru's dens were always unique and distinct," Sakura grumbled.

"Orochimaru?" came a new, foreign voice from behind them.

Everyone turned.

At first, Sakura thought her ears had been playing tricks on her – the corridor behind them was empty. But then she looked down...and realised there were two cats sitting in the hall, their foreheads marked with kanji, dressed in clothes that marked them as animal summons. One looked rather Siamese-like, while the other resembled a tabby.

"It's been a long time," Sasuke remarked casually. "Denka, Hina."

"Well, if it ain't Sasuke," the Siamese-like one purred.

"What are you doing here?" the other asked.

"Weapons, medicine," Sasuke explained. "A few supplies...and we need a place to stay for the night."

Suigetsu had bent down, seemingly fascinated with the talking animals.

"Here, kitty, kitty," Suigetsu cooed, holding out his hands as though he were trying to coax a household pet.

Sakura rolled her eyes. If there was one thing her interactions with her slugs and Kakashi's dogs had taught her, it was that most animal summons were as intelligent as any human being...and they didn't appreciate being talked down to.

She was proven correct when the cats hissed and spat.

"They're ninja cats," Sasuke said dryly. "Not pets. If they don't like you, they bite."

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