Drunk memories

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It was a Friday night, and Melanie invited me to a party with our friends, along with other people from her movie, "K-12". I was extremely excited to go hangout with Melanie. It had been a few weeks without being able to really enjoy each others company because of how busy we've been.
"Are you ready to go?" Melanie asked and pulled my chin to look up at her. She was wearing a glittery-purple, tight, thin strapped dress, and let me tell you I was actually drooling.
"Uh yeah." I spoke, still not taking my eyes off of her. Melanie noticed this and smirked.
She pinned me against the wall with her hands gently on my waist, only using her body to hold me up. She started to kiss my neck, and then up to my lips. My hands caressed her jaw as she forced her tongue in my mouth.

A minute later...

All of the sudden the doorbell rang.
Melanie pulled her lips away and turned her head to look at the door. I bit my lip and looked over aswell. It was Magnolia and Celeste. Melanie looked back at me and grabbed my chin to look at her again.
"I would have my way with you right now, but we can't be late my darling~" Melanie seductively whispered with a smirk while breathing on my neck. I bit my lip and covered my blushing face from embarrassment.
"Well come on we c-can't be late!" I giggled and grabbed her hand as I ran out of the door. I saw Melanie smiling widely behind me as I dragged her through the rain and into the car where Magnolia and Celeste were.

We sat down and I sat on Melanie's lap. I've always been slightly shorter than Melanie despite her only being 5'2.
After a few minutes Melanie started to play with my hair and gently kiss my neck. I giggled even more to this, when suddenly a thought popped in my head. My smile faded and I furrowed my eyes.
"M-Melanie you aren't going to drink are y-you?" I whispered gently.
"No of course not!" Melanie replied. I smiled worryingly. I think Melanie felt I was still worried, because she hugged my waist tighter and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Don't worry Y/N." Melanie whispered and kissed my cheek. I smiled and felt content.

About 30 minutes later...

Melanie's pov!

Once we arrived at the party, Y/N and I had so much fun.
"WAIT MELANIE REMEMBER WE WENT TO THE WATERPARK AND YOUR DAD WALKED IN ON US MA-" Y/N was interrupted by her uncontrollable wheezing and laughter. She fell to the floor and I started to laugh too. I grabbed her hands to pull her up but ended up falling aswell.
"NO Y/N THAT WAS SO BAD-" I wheezed out. I remembered the pure embarrassment. Y/N's eyes went black.
"WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY TO COVER UP THE FACT THAT YOU HAD HICK-" Y/N Interrupted me by putting her finger over my lips.
"OKAY THATS ENOUGH. Let's go find Magnolia, Fleur and Celeste!" She giggled. Y/N grabbed my hand and spun me around to swerve away from all of the people.

Once we found Magnolia and Celeste, we started having even more of a good time.
"Hey Mel try this! It tastes weirdly fruity." Celeste spoke while handing me a rainbow drink. I figured Celeste wouldn't give me alcohol, so I drank like 5 cups of it.

TW: Alcohol, drunk Melanie and memories of alcohol abuse!
(Melanie is just goofy and sweet don't worry 🗿🫶)

I started to feel very loopy. The world was spinning and everything was funny. I couldn't really control my words as they were all slurred.
"C-Cel www..hat was innnn thhat drrinkk?" I asked, giggling like crazy.
"Uhm. Alcohol?" She giggled. I remembered I wasn't supposed to drink at all, but I couldn't remember why as I was so delirious.

Y/N's pov!
(A few minutes before Melanie became drunk)

I was having a really fun time with Fleur Magnolia for about 2 hours, when I started to become a little more aware of my surroundings. There where people extremely intoxicated everywhere, flashing disco lights and extremely loud music. I closed my eyes and shook my head while parting my lips, trying to convince myself to get back into the party mood, but I just couldn't. I felt a little uneasy, and really tired.
"Hey, Magnolia? I think I'm going to leave now, tell Cel I love her! I'm going to find Melanie and tell her I'm leaving. I don't want to spoil her fun." I smiled.
"Oh girl I'll drive you. I'll be waiting at the door!" Magnolia spoke and I nodded.
"Mhm! Thanks girl you're a LIFE SAVER." I laughed and once I left Magnolia, I walked to find Melanie.
I found her and walked up to her, and I immediately noticed she had a drink in her hand, and I gave her a pout.
"M-Mel I-I thought you said you w-weren't going to drink." I muttered as I looked at Melanie with uneasy eyes.
"Celeste wouldn't give me alcohol my love. I don't drink, I never have and I never want to." She spoke seriously to me. She was acting a little silly, but I assumed she was just having fun.
"Okay! I'm going to go home now darling, I'm really tired." I spoke, feeling really uneasy from all of the loud noises and lights.
"Do you want me to come home too?" Melanie asked. I shook my head no. I wanted her to have a fun night out with our friends and not worry about me. She pulled me in and kissed my cheek.
"I love you Y/N/N." Melanie spoke.
"I love you too, Melli. I'll see you tonight!" I giggled.
Melanie looked like she didn't want me to go but she didn't want to leave either. I let go of her and had Magnolia drive me home, and then she drove back to the party.

After school oneshots (Y/N x Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now