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Her POV——

The slow whooshing sounds of the waves hitting the soft sandy shore are comforting. Especially at night when its you and the sea. Isn't it exciting much to see the small creatures returning home and suddenly getting too peaceful.
I am here at my usual place doing graffiti, this place is located near a beach and from here the sound of the waves are pretty clear. The walls here have my graffiti arts as this way is rarely in use, not many people come here except for bikers because its such a perfect place to relax and enjoy beer. I have saw few bikers here that's why I am so sure of it. They not only enjoy but do other shits than just having beer. For real I wasn't able to see that shit any far of what I actually did. "Horrible!! " I am still feeling disgusted.

" CIGARETTES AT BEACH IS RELAXATION FOR HEALTH " this is what I made two days ago but now below this line there's one more line is added, maybe it's one of those bikers, "try some scented ones" it was written with a chalk I half used and threw here, there are more spray bottle and cans of paint too. Not gonna lie I expected something like this. I am getting these messages for a while like this now.

"That's it. Only this thing was written below my quote. It's kinda disappointing they didn't even suggested a brand." I said smiling don't know why this person pisses me off and is kind of how to put this... This person makes me happy too,,, like I get a Shimmering, soft, playful vibe. For me its confusing to put my feelings in words. How I feel is not even visible in my behavior, in front of some I can't hide it though. But this mystery human is amazing.

Not too long ago I found out about this place and started coming here to have cigarettes, to do graffiti whenever my mind is fucked. I really feel sick of the environment I live in.
I always get a new reply next to my graffiti for past few weeks. It's like a new hobby of that person to piss me off like that but I too enjoy it, for real.

" I wonder who is this person!? "

I picked the chalk from the cart where I have arranged all my objects for graffiti. "looks like gotta be a little childish again. "
Drew a disgusted face and wrote "eww, I don't really like mine! Pretty please... Next time give me some suggestions?" right next to their reply.
I let out a sigh and sat down to look at my baby who just gave birth to four little ones. These furry creatures are better than humans. I named her "Kitkit" and she is a cat. My partner.


His POV ——

"you really saw that person is she not he?! " He said surprisingly. Don't know why he over reacts in situations where I have told him everything like three times already.
This guy right here is my brother, total asshole.
He just came out of bath and is still in his towel.

" yea, Already forth time. Ayansh!" I was really annoyed by this time. "That person is She not he!!"

"cool down,,,man." He said putting a T-shirt on. Landed on my bed like its his.
"was she pretty? Boss."


"I don't know. I didn't saw her face. I just- " I didn't said any further I felt amazing being a pervert here talking about a girls figure and all. But honestly she was really pretty.
"like honey in alcohol..."

"honey in alcohol?! Like that?" He said and I realised I said my thoughts loud out.
Been five months I came back to India from Italy to take care of the business here.
For few months we, I mean me, my brother and his friends go racing whenever we get free time from work and daily life. That's when we found about that place, I like it. The sound of the waves... Sooths my soul, it's really relaxing no place for stress.
That's when I saw graffiti, they are really talented.
And that's when my mind said "why don't you say few words for their great works? " that's how I started having conversations with that artist.

Like two days ago, I saw someone. Wasn't able to look at her face because only her back was visible and the only source of light was a electric lantern that was placed in right side of her. She turned around but her hair came in between or else I would have caught few glimpse of her face. When she started doing her art, the way she moved, her movements and every detail how she picked that green spray and moved her hands, her feet, her hair flowing with her every little movement. It felt angelic.

"I wonder who is she?!"


Finally kinda satisfied with it. Hope y'all like it.
Please give ur honest reviews!!!
I actually started writing because of my friend rollicker thanks bae.. For trusting my writing.

N thanks to you all too

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