How Ballora's twins are born and Bill's pokemon and 10 good things

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At Solaris's room, he is meditating while the bubbles of visions fly around*

Rosalina-hello dear

Solaris looks: Hello my love.

Rosalina-what are you doing

Solaris: Just meditating.

Rosalina- I see

Solaris sees a vision: Oh no!

Rosalina- What is it ?

Solaris: Bill is going to start weirdmageddon soon.

Rosalina- What ?

Solaris: We're in trouble...

Glitchtrap watches Stitchtrap and Butterscotch play*

Ballora smiled

Glitchtrap holds the other two babies in his arms*

Glitchtrap: Do you remember how our two new little ones are born?

Ballora-oh i do


Glitchtrap waits outside the room*

The family watches

Glitchtrap: I hope my wife is okay.

Goldie: She will be okay dad.

Baby-yeah daddy !

Glitchtrap: I hope so.

Mordred came out*

They look

Mordred: Your wife is okay, she gave birth to twins.

All- Twins?!

Mordred: Yes, would you like to come in?

Baby- Yes please

Glitchtrap and the kids came in*

Ballora holds a pink and blue bundle*

Goldie-mom ?

Ballora: Say hello to your new baby siblings kids.

One is a boy human with blonde hair and the girl is a rabbit with brown hair

Glitchtrap: They're so beautiful....

Ballora smiled

Goldie: What are their names?

Ballora- Their names are Will and Roselle

Baby: Hi there Will and Roselle.

The babies coo

Blueby smiles*

Blueby-awwww !

Butterscotch and Stitchtrap looks at them*

Ballora- oh !

Stitchtrap coos at his new siblings*

They looks

Glitchtrap smiles*

End of Flashback*

Ballora smiled

Will and Roselle played*

Darkness tries to call bill again

Darkness: Damn it! Why is he not picking up.

Ifrit came: Dad dad!

Void looks: Yes?

Nega Death: We finally managed to make the 10 good things you ever did video

Vexa- Yeah !

Void looks: Can I see the video?

They show him

WatchMojo narrator: Here are 10 things Void did are good, number 1, he protected his daughter Vexa from the guards.

They watch

WatchMojo narrator: Number 2, he made Vexa and Nega Death apologize to each other.

Vexa- Yep !

Void smiles*

WatchMojo narrator: Number 3, he brought the red panda who ate his tart back to life and let him go back to his family.


WatchMojo narrator: Number 4, he took his son Vero to Earth, and he let Vero hang out with Lilly.

Vero coos

WatchMojo narrator: Number 5, after Change lost her home after half of the moon was destroyed, Void lets her and her friends stay in the starry region.


Void smiles*

WatchMojo narrator: Number 6, Void helps Vexa feel better after her legs are crushed, but he let Kelly help her and they are starting to be good friends.

Vexa-so true !

WatchMojo narrator: Number 7, when Vexa was sleeping, he secretly put Choco the pug and Honey the bumblebee next to her to make her feel happy.

Vexa-aww daddy !

Void chuckles*

WatchMojo narrator: Number 8, when Vexa was upset her ex dumped him, Void got angry and ate him, after that he got her a new guitar to make her happy.

Vexa smiled

WatchMojo narrator: Number 9, when Vexa is feeling down, Void decided to take her to the beach region to let her play with the water pokemon.

They smiled

WatchMojo narrator: Finally, number 10, When Void is happy that Lightness loves him to, he decided to let her be with his brother Darkness aka Light, she is finally happy to be with her husband again.

Lightness cried happily

Void feels better: I feel happy now.

Darkness still tried to call

Bill-hey suckers ! This is yours truly bill cipher ! Im busy so leave a message

Darkness: Bill I've been trying to call you for hours, please pick up.

He then answers

Bill- yeah?

Darkness: Bill, come over and visit us.

Bill- Why ? Im busy

Darkness: With what?

Bill- None of your business

Darkness: Void wants to give you something special.

Bill- Like what ?

Darkness: A new pokemon for you.

Bill- Fine but i got other stuff to do

Darkness: Okay son.

He then appears

Void looks: Hello Bill.


Void: I made you a pokemon.

Bill-and that is ?

A yellow triangle head like Porygon came out*

Void: Meet Triangon.

He's amazed

Triangon: Trian! Trian!

He pets him

Bill- um ,hey there

Triangon nuzzled him*

Bill-oh !

Ifrit: Why don't you stay for dinner?

Bill looks as lightness see him

Lightness: If your not busy later on?

Bill- Well...ok.

Solaris looks and he is worried*

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