Chapter -9

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Mr.Kim: please come back to us look you have your younger siblings and older siblings too who are craving for your love please at least for them they did nothing wrong......

Hanuel: look here
Mr.Kim I have my own family and they are them (pointing towards Choi family)
And about coming back to just forget about it we are just staying here cuz of business work cuz we don't let our personal life interfere with our professional life.......I hope you understand and about sibling things I have my own sibling's I don't want anymore I don't care if it sounds rude or hurt you but the love I was craving for when you send me there in America I want you to crave for it too........

She said in a calm time and got up and then went to her room slowly one br one ask went to their rooms and were deep in thoughts..... Like this all of them took a nap and slept

In the afternoon Kim family had their lunch first as the Choi's told that they will eat later after half an hour the Choi's came downstairs and Kai said

Kai: Hanni noona I am hungry I want to eat your handmade food.....

Hanuel: aww my baby is hungry didn't work I will cook something for all of us Irene unnie you take rest I know you are tired I will cook food for all of us .......

Hanuel said and went to kitchen ignoring the Kim's, Kim's felt jealous and were throwing daggers at Choi's whole they didn't give a damn about it

After preparing food hanuel called all the Choi family in the dining room and Hyunjin helped hanuel to set up the food on the dining table...... Hanuel was again feeding Kai and jungkook saw it he was feeling like crying and anger was building up inside him he wanted to be in Kai's place

He thought it would have been him in the place of Kai if there parents didn't send Hanuel to America he was feeling jealous cuz he can't even call his own older biological sister noona whereas his noona is feeding an outsider and talking with him so lovingly he really hated that he badly wanted to be in Kai's place after seeing the scene he angrily went to his room and after sometime started crying......

All the day went by hanuel ignoring the Kim family and spoiling the Choi family which made their blood boil seeing their own biological sister/daughter talking with them so lovingly while she was talking with the Kim's so coldly......

Time: 9:30 pm

At night misoo was thirsty she looked at the side table to find her water bottle empty she got up and was going through the hallway when she heard some crying sounds the door was a bit opened so she opened in and what she saw made her heart clench she don't know why she saw jungkook crying while hugging the pillow and saying words like

“How can they call her noona so freely when i can't even call her that”

“ I also want my noona to feed me like that how she feeds that Kai ”

“i also want to spend time with her and cuddle with her”

And many more things like this Hanuel somewhere felt guilty of being the reason why her little biological brother was crying yup she accepted the Kim sibling's but is too stubborn to accept it but now she accepted jungkook seeing his condition she first went downstairs and filled her water bottle after drinking water she went to jungkook's room she didn't knocked and went inside jungkook didn't sensed her presence but when she put the water bottle in the side table and sat on the bed and hugged jungkook at first he got startled but when he saw that is was Hanuel he quickly hugged her back and cried more louder and started saying things

“i also want to taste your cooking I also want you to feed me like you feed that Kai”

“i also want to spend time with you and cuddle with you”

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