since some of you bitches don't know how to write these characters, I WILL.
poc characters will be poc, I don't give a shit if it 'doesn't fit the story' if you have an issue with that get the hell of my book... respectfully.
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♥️💬📩 245,764 likes prettistbxtch party at my house since y'all are dry af, I would say no goth bitches invited but im feeling kind. Photo creds: @citgirl
alejandro_b I will be there mi amor 💕 prettistbxtch kys alejandro_b anything for you prettistbxtch Livestream it for me DelinquentDuncan dude she wants to fuck you prettistbxtch if you don't sthu Duncan I will expose your dms
GothGirlGas if I want to come to your stupid party Dollfacelindsaybut gen your going through your closet and asking me what you should wear to heathers party... GothGirlG SHUT UP YOU SLUT prettistbxtch 💀
citgirlyou are actually the most beautiful, gorgeous amazing girl ever prettistbxtch I love you so much DelinquentDuncan do you think I am beautiful princess citgirl sthu
yourgirlbeth why do you think anyone wants to come to your lame party citgirl I do farmboy12i want to be there malibuBrii obviously do codierra4evs Yes because heather has a nice house prettistbxtch how do you know that codierra4evs I never tell my secrets alejandro_b why would I not go, estupido DelinquentDuncan as much as a loser heather is her panties are lit dollfacelindsay i love Heavens parties tren_t I do hottestmanalivei do Cody heather knows how to put on a party PartboyG heathers parties are rad dudette ilovekatiemeeeeee ilovesaidemeeeeeee Athleticty I want to go xlewshanax ....hard to admit it but I want to farmboy12